chidokoko (naoko_horigome330) Translations

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About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
naoko_horigome330 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Despondent, with tired troops,delayed by the raising of new levies, short of money and harassed by petulant missives from Cicero, Brutus trudged onwards.He reached Plancus towards the end of June.Their combined forces amounted to fourteen legions, imposing in name alone. Four were veteran, the rest raw recruits. Plancus knew what recruits were worth.A lull followed. Antonius waited patiently for time, fear to dissolve the forces of his adversaries.Plancus composed his last surviving epistle to Cicero.His style had lost none of its elegance:he protested good will and loyalty, and blamed upon the young Caesar the escape of Antonius and his union with Lepidus, reprobating his ambition in the most violent of terms.


Brutusは落胆し、疲れ切った軍団を率いて、新たな兵員を引き入れたためもたつきながら、資金不足とCiceroからの怒りに満ちた手紙に悩まされながら、とぼとぼと前進した。.6月も下旬になってPlancus に追い着いた。連合軍は14部隊にも及んだが、名目ばかりの威圧であった。4部隊は老練だったが、残るは新兵だった。Plancusは、新兵の価値を知っていた。小康状態となった。Antoniusは、長いこと辛抱強く待っていたが、敵軍を解散させることを恐れた。Plancusは、 Ciceroへ最後の生存通知をしたためた。彼らしい優雅さを全く失わず、善意と忠誠心を主張し、Antoniusとその仲間Lepidusを逃がした若いCaesarを責め、最も乱暴な言葉でその野望を非難した。

naoko_horigome330 English → Japanese
Original Text

He might win more respectable backing.'But look at his age, his name.' Octavianus lacked auctoritas.On the other hand, he was the heir of the Dictator, a revolutionary under the sign of the avenging of Caesar.Of that purpose, no secret.To be sure, he offered a safeguard to the conservatives by permitting one of the assassins of Caesar to be elected tribune -merely a political gesture, easily made and easily revoked.More significant and most ominous was the speech delivered in Rome, the solemn oath with hand outstretched to the statue of Caesar the Dictator. Cicero in alarm confessed the ruinous alternatives:'if Octavianus won power, the acta of Caesar would be more decisively confirmed than they were on March.'

