もうれい00 (moray00) Translations

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Over 7 years ago Male
United States
English (Native) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
moray00 Japanese → English
Original Text



When a person dies while still holding a deep regret in this world it is common for them to not realize they are not completely dead. They think when you die you become nothingness, and the last thing they expect is that they actually just lost their physical body, but continue to exist just as they did when they were alive. Some of these spirits who don't realize they still exist try to settle a grudge or other regret after dying. Living people nearby who have feelings like hatred, fear, and melancholy emit a low energy wave that is picked up by these spirits and sometimes they take control those people. However if you already know this, there is no possibility of encountering a ghost and no need to be afraid, as long as you do not emit this kind of energy wave.