mooomin Translations

ID Verified
Over 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your inquire, we will be very happy to do business with you. Maybe our website was not very clear but we are NN authorized distributor for more than 15 years for Latin America, as I can see in your store you carry many wii & ds games, they are all our potential business!
Attached is our general price list for your reference, definitely if I have room to work, I will always welling to negotiate, but you know, our business is very competitive one, just try my best.........
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any question,,,,



mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

Unauthorized sales on Amazon, eBay, and similar 3rd party sites are creating negative customer service experiences that are reflecting poorly on the overall product line. In addition to this, there are now counterfeit versions of some of our popular products entering the market, making it necessary for us to trace the source of iFixit products sold online.

The knee-jerk reaction to this would be to simply discontinue our wholesale program and only work with our bigger retail chain customers, however we are a small business and love supporting small business, so we are going to try cleaning up our reseller channel instead of simply closing it.


Amazon, eBayまたは同様な第3勢力のサイトでの無許可販売が、悪い顧客サービスを生み出してしまっており、結果として製品ライン全体に悪い影響を与えている。それに加えて、我々の人気の商品の海賊版が市場に流入しており、そのため我々はネット上で売られているiFIxit製品の製造元をたどる必要が生じている。


mooomin English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The RMDLO design was created by ex Dyson Design Engineer, Ran Merkazy, a true veteran of New Product Development, with many innovations and patents under his belt.
” RMDLO’s design process starts with real life problems. Understanding the person who’ll be using our product is key to answering all their needs in a way that is elegant, and fit for purpose. Quality considerations are second to non, with products being designed to last and withstand any abuse.
being creative is not enough… you have to be just as serious about quality and experience down to very last detail
This meticulous approach definitely pays off, but also takes time and effort to get right.
At RMDLO we save no sweat on making our product perfect.


RMDLO デザインはDyson社の元デザインエンジニアで、なおかつ新製品部門の真の熟練者であり多数の革新的なアイデアと特許を携えるRan Merkazy氏によって設立された。

mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

1 PICASSO limited edition lithograph from the Picasso Marge du Buffon portfolio; these being from the very scarce deluxe edition of only 226 copies printed on Velin d'Arches (there was also an edition of 2,000 copies on Rives); printed in 1957 in Paris France, these lithographs were originally presented unbound in a chemise and hardcover box; each measures approx 11 x 13 these lithographs from the deluxe edition on Arches are highly sought after compare to examples listed for $400

1 KLEE whimsical illustration printed single sided in black ink on special, thin rice paper; SIGNED IN THE PLATE published in 1965 and printed in West Germany


ピカソ/MARGE DU BUFFON 画集/デラックス、Arches紙に描かれた限定版:
1 ピカソ ピカソMARGE DU BUFFON 画集からの限定版のリトグラフ。226枚しかない、Velin d'Arches 紙に印刷された非常に稀なデラックス版からのご提供です(2000枚のRives紙版もあります)。フランスのパリで1957年に印刷されたこれらのリトグラフは、元々は製本されておらず、シミーズ(バインディング)の状態で硬い箱に入れられていました。Archesのデラックス版からのこれらのリトグラフははそれぞれ約11 x 13 の大きさであり、とても好評を頂いております。400ドルで入札されている例とお比べください。

1 クリー 特別な、薄いわら紙の片面に黒色のインクで印刷された、風変わりなイラストです。SIGNED IN THE PLATE (皿に書かれた署名)1965年に発行され、西ドイツで印刷されました。

mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

Hey there !
Thanks so much for your contribution to our album, we really appreciate it and can't wait to mail you all the goods!
I'm just wondering how exactly you want to be credited on the album. Originally, we were just going to say a thank you and list the names of the people who contributed this way, but since you paid for it I thought I'd ask if there's any special title we should put on it.
I think we could do something funny like credit you as the Executive Producer or Animal Wrangler or Pyrotechnician something like that.

Let me know!

PS, small world, my sister is moving to Japan in September, you guys should meet up!




mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

How well positioned are you to sell our products? Are you able to get us into the retail outlets? Regarding packaging, most tops here in the UK are sold off the rail, would that be the case in Japan?

We currently serve one specialist retailer in Japan but we can pass it all over as it would be more cost effective for both of us in terms of shipment for us and sales for you.

I have a meeting with my boss next week on Wednesday so please send me some answers and I will put forward your proposal and maybe you can discuss things further with him as we are interested in generating more interest in Japan.

I look forwards to hearing from you soon.






mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

Discovered by René van Rossenberg in 1993, the recording has been kept secret by the Tolkien expert until now. He has teamed up with Middle Earth Network to raise some money to remaster the reel-to-reel tape recording and raise awareness about its existence.

Aside from the obvious fact that it’s a “lost” recording of Tolkien talking shop, one of the buzziest findings from the recording is the portion in which the author digs into the real meaning behind the books and breaks it all out pretty succinctly. We don’t actually know what he says at this point, which is frustrating, but Rossenberg plans to release the recording at some point later this year.


Rene van Rossenbergによって1993年に発見されたこの録音は、今日にいたるまでTolkienの専門家によって秘密にされていた。彼は、このリールtoリール方式のテープに録音されたものをリマスターし、その存在に気づいてもらうために、Middle Earth Networkとチームを組んだ。

mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

Your Return Label

Additional Instructions for mailing your package
Ensure that there are no other tracking labels attached to your package.
Affix the mailing label squarely onto the address side of the parcel, covering up any previous delivery address and barcode without overlapping any adjacent side.
Take this package to a UPS location. To find your closest UPS location, visit the UPS Drop Off Locator or go to and select "Drop Off".

Return Mailing Label
Cut this label and affix to the outside of the return package

Return Authorization Label
Cut this and place inside the return package

Once the carrier has received your package, it can take up to two weeks for us to receive and process your return.



UPSの支店にこの荷物を持って行ってください。もっとも近隣のUPS支店を見つけるためには、UPS Drop Off Locater (荷物納入探査)を訪れるか、 に行き「Drop off(納入)」を選択してください。

mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text




バイヤーは、May 14に商品を購入しました。そして私たちはMay 16に商品を発送しました。Japan Post Air (追跡番号RR905710443JP)
到着予定日時はMay 21でしたが、運悪く空港で時間がかかり May 24 の到着になってしまいました。


We cannot make a refund until the item comes back to Japan, because there is a possibility that we might lose both the item and money.
We will pay back to you if the item arrives safely to Japan.

We are explaining towards the buyer many times that we will make a full refund if the item is returned to Japan in good condition, but he would not listen. Moreover, the buyer is demanding a refund at this moment, when the item is still in US.
In this present state, we might lose both the item and money.

1. The delivery of the item was delayed, but we have announced beforehand that delivery might take about maximum of 10 days.

Buyer purchased the item on May 14th. We have shipped the item on May 16th. Japan Post Air (tracking number: RR905710443JP)
The estimated delivery date was May 21st, but unfortunately it took time at the airport and thus became May 24th.