Miyuki Nakayama (miyukinkym) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
miyukinkym English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Your Domain Registration ebay-amazon-hanbai.com

While eBay respects your right of expression and your desire to conduct business on the Internet, eBay must enforce its own rights in order to protect its valuable and famous trademark. For these reasons, and to avoid consumer confusion, eBay must insist that you not use the domain name for any purpose, do not sell, offer to sell or transfer the domain name to a third party, and instead simply let the domain registration expire. In the meantime, the domain name should remain inactive and should not point to any content.

Please confirm in writing that you will agree to resolve this matter as requested.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.


ドメイン登録 ebay-amazon-hanbai.com
eBayはあなたの表現の権利とインターネット上でビジネスを行おうとする意欲を尊重しますが、eBayは、その価値と知名度のある商標を守るため、自らの権利を強く主張しなくてはなりません。こうした理由から、また消費者の混乱を防ぐため、eBay はあなたにこのドメイン名をいかなる目的にも使用せず、第三者への転売または転売の提案をせず、その代わりただこのドメイン登録を失効させることを強く要求せねばなりません。失効までの間ドメイン名は非アクティブのままにし、どのようなコンテンツを指し示すこともしないでください。


miyukinkym English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Dear Suzuki san,

Thanks kindly accept the delivery time. We will ship on July 28th,2014 on time.

Regarding exhibition,
Yes, we only display the products at the exhibition in Hong Kong, and we don't have an exhibition in Taiwan.

Regarding exclusive seller or not, generally speaking, the quantity of each model have to meet our formulating quantity so that we will only sell to you. I'm sorry to tell you that formulating quantity is far more than your order this time. Furthermore, maybe the quantity we set is incovenience for buyer.

If you have interested in exclusive seller about specific model, pls let me know and we can have a further discussion.

Thank you.








miyukinkym English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.5
Original Text

Dear sirs...
Today i received the smartphone ordered. First i was very happy about it. As i tried to install and start i received the order to put in the sim code. The sim code from my german telephone company is not enough. I also need the sim code from you to let it start. Otherwise the smartphone is not unlocked. Please send me the code as soon as possible . If you cant do that i am unfortunately forced to send it back as i cant use it in germany.
I am looking forward to receiving your code to free the smartphone
It appears the notice "sim network unlock pin" and i need this pin from you please!
Yours faithfully
K. Essig




miyukinkym English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Return reason: No longer needed/wanted
Buyer comments: I had to pay a customs charge of £25.35 to have this item delivered. Please process the refund. Emailing the seller is returned as undelivered. Please help.


Its the third time I'm writting to you and till now I don't have any answer. As you know I ordered and i paid you for a DAIWA CALDIA 3000 fishing reel. I received a tottaly wrong model (daiwa freams 2000). I would like to know how I will get the one I ordered.

Hi, I ordered and payed for a daiwa caldia 3000 fishing reel. Instead I received a DAIWA FREAMS 2000. I tried to contact the seller but he is not answering my mails. I want o change th one i received.


購入者コメント: このアイテムを配送するのに25.35ポンドの関税を支払わなければなりませんでした。返金の手続きをお願いします。販売者にメールしましたが、戻ってきてしまいました。助けて下さい。

ご連絡するのはこれで3度目ですが、いまだにお返事を頂いておりません。ご存じのように、私はDAIWA CALDIA 3000の釣り用リールを注文し、代金を払いました。届いたのは全く違うモデルです(DAIWA FREAMS 2000でした)。注文した品を受け取るにはどうすればいいのでしょうか。

失礼します。私はDAIWA CALDIA 3000の釣り用リールを注文し、代金を払いました。しかし、DAIWA FREAMS 2000が送られてきてしまいました。販売者にコンタクトを取ろうとしましたが、メールには一向に返信がありません。本来注文したものと交換したいのですが。