mikiepy Translations

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Over 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Malay
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mikiepy English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The app itself isn’t much better. I get the impression the company intends to offer many services itself in the long run, but right now Joychuang’s app just forwards you to other providers. If you’re looking for help with accounting, for example, it has a list of several third-party companies that do startup accounting, but there’s no way to actually do anything beyond contact them from within the app. So much for one-stop services.

Still, Joychuang is young, and the US$2.4 million seed round it just raised should help quite a bit. Can this startup-for-startups achieve its promise as a true one-stop SaaS company, or is it doomed to become a listings site that points founders towards third-party providers?



mikiepy English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Besides an experienced team, Enabling Change also brings a focus on a specific segment of disabilities, and they aim to reconcile the needs of the community with the skill sets of tech startups. “Most of the tech startups who are trying to address social issues, they have no clue what the needs are in the community. It comes from their belief that technology can address all issues, which is not true, Technology is just a magnifier. If you try to scale processes that are not effective, it won’t work,” he said. “What we’re trying to do is to get tech startups to work with the community, see what their problems are and figure out how to leverage on technology.”


経験地の高いチームに加え、Enabling Changeは身体障害という特別な分野に着目し、スタートアップに必要なスキルセットと共にコミュニティの必要性を調和することを目的としている。「社会問題について言及しているほとんどのテックスタートアップは、コミュニティに存在するニーズを理解していません。それは、テクノロジーが全ての問題を見つけ出せるという考えから発生しています。しかし、これは真実ではありません。テクノロジーはただ物事を誇張させるだけです。もし、有効でないプロセスをはかろうとしても、うまくいきません。」とJan Croeni氏は語る。「私たちが今行おうとしているのは、コミュニティと一緒になってテックスタートアップに取り組むことです。彼らが直面している問題を発見し、テクノロジーを使ってどのように解決できるかを調査します。」