Agnes Metanomski (meissa) Translations

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Over 10 years ago
English French (Native) Japanese German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
meissa Japanese → English ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text



In the Philippines the car production has diminshed while countries like Thailand have become the center of car manufacturing, the development of the manufacturing industry has become the main challenge for the current stable growth. In the manufacturing of electric vehicles, contrary to internal combustion vehicles, does not require engine production technology but rather, compared to engine cars, the number of parts diminish and can be completed with less capital investment, so there is a chance of entering that market. Also the problems of air pollution and dependance on oil are shared by the neighbouring countries, and rushing to find a solution to those is an aim that is at the core of the electric car industry.

meissa English → French ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Welcome to the holiday portion of the awards race. The heavy shopping is out of the way from the critic groups. Over 20 regional city and state organizations, five or so specialty critic/press associations, three exclusively online entities and the Screen Actors Guild have announced their winners. Someone in a pear tree has no doubt weighed in. As most prognosticators could have told you two months ago, the ultimate battle is coming down to "12 Years a Slave" vs. "Gravity."
The anticipation leading up to those three weeks when the Oscar race is shaped dissipates into complacency. Another victory for "12 Years a Slave." Oh look, that group really liked Jared Leto, too.


Bienvenus à la section vacances de la course au Oscars. Le gros des achats est terminé pour les groupes de critiques. Plus de 20 organisations régionales,municipales et d'états, quelques cinq associations de presse et critiques spécialisés, trois entités exclusivement en ligne et la "Screen Actor Guild" ont toutes annoncé leurs lauréats. Quelqu'un dans un poirier a certainement été pris en compte. Comme la plupart des pronostiqueurs auraient pu vous dire il y a deux mois, la bataille finale va se réduire à "Esclave pendant douze ans" contre "Gravité".
L'anticipation précédant ces trois semaines durant lesquelles la course aux Oscars prend forme se dissipe en suffisance. Encore une victoire pour "Esclave pendant douze ans". Oh regarde, ce groupe a aussi beaucoup aimé Jared Leto.