mdtrnsltn (mdtrnsltn) Translations

ID Verified
Over 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
Medical Science Culture Business
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mdtrnsltn English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

A 25% discount off of wholesale pricing FOB Vineland, NJ 08360 (United States address) on orders over $3,000 (after discount.)

As we establish trade and it becomes more frequent we will be able make the necessary operational optimizations to ship from India, this will be once we start trading in containers.

I have attached for the time being our initial pricing list for your reference, all pricing is in USD (Please let us know if you need the items priced in different currency) for you to review.

Please let me know any additional questions you may have or support you may need so that we can start putting the wheels in motion. Based on your outline for business growth I believe this can be a successful partnership


$3,000以上(割引後)のお買い上げでVineland, NY 08260(米国住所)での本船渡しで、卸売り価格の25%引きになります。




mdtrnsltn English → Japanese
Original Text

In the first half of 2014, French companies raised a total of $500 million in VC.

Perhaps more importantly, the companies are diverse businesses, tackling very different markets and opportunities. Certainly, the country shouldn’t be satisfied with this string of success.

But it should certainly be reason for optimism that the startup groundswell in France has some real momentum.

Update: As several people pointed out on Twitter this weekend, Sketchfab of Paris also raised $7 million in a round FirstMark Capital which, like Union, is also based in New York City. So that’s actually two U.S. venture firms coming to France in the same week.





アップデート: Twitterで今週末に何人かが指摘したように、パリのSketchfabもUnionと同じくニューヨーク市に本拠を置くFirstMark Capitalから700万ドルの資金調達をした。これにより、1週間で米国のベンチャーキャピタル2社がフランスに進出したことになる。