matilda Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
matilda English → Japanese
Original Text

With so much beauty in front of him, he decides to settle down and enrolls at the university of Albuquerque where he studies jewelery from a different perspective, ranging from obsolete to high tech methods. Back in France, he remains inspired by this experience which henceforth guides all of his work as much as the Renaissance and Middle Ages influences. His style is born. Since then, the enlightened Pascale continues to draw successfully, and now without any boundaries, general and romantic lines. Paul, in answering the high demand for men's jewelery and having a lot of unexploited ideas, decides, at the same time, to set up his own business.



matilda English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

1:A Missouri mother has become an internet hit after writing an eloquent defence of her decision to allow her five-year-old son to dress as a girl for Halloween.Sarah, who writes the Nerdy Apple Bottom blog and describes herself as a “cop’s wife”, hit back at critics who told her she should not have let ‘Boo’ wear a girl’s costume and said she would not care if her son grew up to be gay.She told how the five-year-old begged to be allowed to dress up as Daphne from Scooby Doo this year for a pre-school party.Her only worry was whether he would change his mind after she ordered the costume, as five-year-olds tend to do.


1:あるミズーリ州の母親は、彼女の5歳の息子がハロウィーンで女の子に仮装することを許す決断の正当性をネット上で雄弁に主張したことで人気者となった。SarahはNerdy Apple Bottomブログを書き、自身を「警官の妻」と描写しており、'Boo'に女の子の衣装を着せるべきでないという批判に対抗し、例え息子がゲイになったとしても構わないと言った。彼女は5歳の息子がいかに今年の幼稚園のパーティーにScooby DooのDaphneに仮装したがったかを書いた。彼女が心配したこは、5歳児によくあるように、彼女が衣装を注文した後に彼が気持ちを変えないかどうかということだけだった。

matilda English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

2:But after she was condemned by other mothers at the Bible-belt school, she wrote: “He’s gay. Or he’s not. I don’t care. He is still my son. And he is five. And I am his mother. And if you have a problem with anything mentioned above, I don’t want to know you.”Boo, who “flipped out” with excitement when his costume arrived, wore it to the Halloween party where his friends had no problem with the colourful outfit.However, the costume, complete with a wig, pink dress and boots, drew negative attention from other mothers.On her blog, Sarah recounted how three mothers at the party were shocked and disgusted that she had allowed her son to dress as a girl.

