matilda Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
matilda English → Japanese
Original Text

Until fairly recently, there wasn't a lot the average person could do to improve the appearance of teeth beyond having them cleaned once or twice a year. In the last two decades, however, improvements in dental materials and restorative techniques have made it possible for most of us to have close to model-perfect teeth that resist color changes and are almost as strong as the originals.

If you have been considering ways to brighten your smile or correct imperfections, there's never been a better time to do it. Demand for cosmetic dental procedures is greater than ever, in part because baby boomers with money to spend are looking for ways to feel and look younger



matilda English → Japanese
Original Text

I beg your pardon for delay with my reply. It's only due to the recent holidays.I need to know about your IT facilities to follow our cooperation - are you going to implement our API into your system or are you going to refer your customers to our web site and earn money on their transactions?
The second option is much easier for us, because it does not need additional time for integration and testing with you. We will provide you with the facilities which will forward the customers to our web with the link that it's your customer.The API case is slightly complicated. Nevertheless we can assist you with the implementation.There are the certain time lines in our company. I will advise you depend on your reply



matilda English → Japanese
Original Text

Shipping charges are not refundable under any circumstances. Please be on the alert for your package. All packages are shipped with tracking numbers. You will find the tracking number on the My Ebay Won Page. Feedback will not be provided until after buyer has received item and has provided feedback on item and transaction.Bidders with less than 3 feedbacks or excessive negative feedbacks need to contact us for permission to bid or their bids may be cancelled.NJ Residents pay 7% sales tax. All items are insured for the full purchase price. If you receive a damaged item report it to us immediately so we give you instructions on how to file an insurance claim.


送料はいかなる状況においても払い戻し不可です。小包には十分用心して下さい。全ての小包には追跡番号を付けて発送されます。追跡番号はMy Ebay Won Pageで見つけることができます。フィードバックは購入者が商品を受け取り、その商品と取引についてのフィードバックを提示するまではありません。フィードバックが3つ以下、または極度に否定的なフィードバックの入札者は、こちらに入札許可を得るための連絡が必要となり、連絡のない場合は入札がキャンセルされることもあります。New Jerseyの居住者は7%の売上税が課されます。全ての商品は全額分保険が掛けられています。損傷した商品を受けとった場合は直ちにこちらにご連絡くだされば、保険請求の提示方法をお伝えします。