更に、Japan Debut Single「Bang!」で話題を呼んだドラムラインに続き、今回は新曲にあわせた新しいTAP DANCEパフォーマンスを披露!AFTERSCHOOL Play Girlz Japan オフィシャルショップにてご購入いただくと、下記の特典が付いてきます!■オリジナルステッカー(1枚)さらに、特典付き同時購入セット(3形態同時購入セット)をご購入いただくと、下記の特典が付いてきます!
Furthermore, this time a new TAP DANCE performance in tune with the new song will be performed following the much attentioned drum line from Japan Debut Single "Bang!"! If yo purchase at AFTERSCHOOL Play Girlz Japan, the special favors below are attached!*Original sticker (1 sheet)In addition, if you purchase simultaneously a set with special favors (a set of three-style simultaneous purchase), the special favors below are attached!
Best Album「THE BEST OF AFTERSCHOOL 2009-2012 -Korea Ver.-」2013.03.27 RELEASEAFTERSCHOOLが2009年のデビューから2012年までに韓国でリリースしてきた、数々の楽曲を収録した豪華ベストアルバム発売決定!!チャート1位を獲得した名曲「Because of you」や、最新曲「FLASHBACK」はもちろんのこと、メンバーが4人づつに分かれてリリースしたAS RED、AS BLUEの楽曲も収録。
Best Album「THE BEST OF AFTERSCHOOL 2009-2012 -Korea Ver.-」2013.03.27 RELEASELuxurious best album which includes various music AFTERSCHOOL has released from the debut in 2009 to 2012 in Korea will be released!!The famous song "Because of you" which won the first in musci chart, and the latest "FLASHBACK", of course and songs that the members divided in four to four and released AS RED and AS BLUE are also included.
CD+DVD盤の方には、「PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)」の新作ミュージック・ビデオの他、先日のUSツアーのドキュメンタリーが収録されるとのことで、こちらもファン必見の内容となっています。
This is also a requisite content for fans, as the new music video of "PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)" as well as the documentary of the US tour the other day are included in the CD+DVD version.
KEMURIベスト盤『SKA BRAVO』ライヴでお馴染みの楽曲を中心に収録したオール・タイム・ベストといえる内容。しかも再結成以前の楽曲は、ギタリスト・田中‘T’幸彦は勿論、ライヴではお馴染みのサポート・メンバー、トランペットの河村光博、トロンボーンの須賀裕之も参加してレコーディングし直した、現在のベスト・ライヴ・メンバーでの再録といえるでしょう。
"SKA BRAVO", the best album of KEMURIContents can be said as the all-time best which mainly include familiar music on the live. Moreover, the music before the reunion are joined by guitarist, 'T'Yukihiko Tanaka, of course, and trumpeter, Mitsuhiro Kawamura, a familiar supporting member on the live performance and trombonist, Hiroyuki Suga and rerecorded. It can be said that this is the re-recording with the current best live members.
FUNCTION6ch【LIVE会場限定盤 vol.2】FUNCTION6ch 1st LIVE TOURを記念した会場限定CD第2弾!!
FUNCTION6ch【Exclusive album sold at the LIVE venue vol.2】The second exclusive CD sold at the LIVE venue in commemoration of FUNCTION6ch 1st LIVE TOUR!!
FUNCTION6ch【配信限定盤】 FUNCTION6ch 初アニメ主題歌の配信限定盤!!
FUNCTION6ch "Exclusive album for broadcast"FUNCTION6ch, exclusive album for broadcasting the first animation theme song!!
12 FLAVOR SONGS~BEST COLLABORATION~土屋アンナが行って来たコラボレーションの数々の楽曲をコンパイル!松本孝弘(B'z)、難波章浩(HI-STANDARD)とのコラボが実現した新曲3曲含む全12曲収録予定!土屋アンナのソロデビューより行なって来たコラボレーションの数々の楽曲を遂にコンパイル!AIやMONKEY MAJIK、Hoobastank、PE'Zを始めとする豪華ゲストに加えて、土屋アンナがゲストとして迎えられた外仕事楽曲も収録予定。
12 FLAVOR SONGS~BEST COLLABORATION~Variously collaborated songs which ANNA TSUCHIYA have been performing were compiled!All twelve songs including new three songs which were made in collaboration with Takahiro Matsumoto (B'z) and Akihiro Nanba (HI-STANDARD) are planned to be recorded!Variously collaborated songs which ANNA TSUCHIYA have been performing since her solo debut were finally compiled! In addition to luxurious guests such as AI, MONKEY MAJIK, Hoobastank and PE'Z, outer composed music ANNA TSUCHIYA joined as a guest is also planned to be recorded.
東京女子流 1st BEST ALBUM「キラリ☆」オリジナル特典決定!詳細はこちらをご確認ください→ http://tokyogirlsstyle.jp/news/detail.php?id=1021532東京女子流 1st BEST ALBUM「キラリ☆」オリジナル特典決定!詳細はこちらをご確認ください→ http://tokyogirlsstyle.jp/news/detail.php?id=1021532<4形態同時購入特典> ※全店舗、ECサイト共通
Original special favors are released for TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE, 1st BEST ALBUM"☆Kirari"!For details, please click at → http://tokyogirlsstyle.jp/news/detail.php?id=1021532Original special favors are released for TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE, 1st BEST ALBUM"☆Kirari"!For details, please click at → http://tokyogirlsstyle.jp/news/detail.php?id=1021532”Special Favors for purchasing four styles at the same time" *Common to all shops and EC sites.
Sleeve case in four styles with three-side storage space"Original special favors different on each shop"★Astalight shop→ Clear bookmark, mini newsletter (*Please check the details as the special favors are different depending on the types.)http://shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/TGX.html★mu-mo shop→ Clear bookmark (*Please check the details as the special favors are different depending on the types.)http://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?jsiteid=mumo&artist_id=TKOJR
★ Tower Record →Original live photos, two kinds (*Please check the details as the special favors are different depending on the types.)★ TSUTAYA→Original live photos, two kinds (*Please check the details as the special favors are different depending on the types.)★HMV→Original live photos, two kinds (*Please check the details as the special favors are different depending on the types.)★Shops other than the above, EC sites→Size 2L, live photos
http://shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/TGX.html(PC/MB共通)mu-moショップhttp://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?artist_id=TKOJR(PC/MB共通)※心霊写真ではございません。メンバーが怖がっている写真となります。東京女子流メンバー全員が主演の人気ホラー映画「学校の怪談 -呪いの言霊-」が5/23全国公開決定!ソロで歌唱の歌もの5曲を含むサントラ系要素も入れ込んだ全9トラックを収録予定!
http://shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/TGX.html (common to PC/MB)mu-mo shophttp://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?artist_id=TKOJR(common to PC/MB)*It is not a psychograph. It is a picture members are scary of.Popular horror film "Horror story at school(Gakko no kaidan) -cursing language spirits-", starring all members of TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE is released on May 23 Japan nationwide!All nine tracks are to recorded including the five songs sung solo and elements of the movie music!
■Astalightショップ / mu-moショップ特典「恐怖の生写真」(ソロカット全5種中ランダムで1種)Astalight official shophttp://shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/TGX.html(PC/MB共通)mu-moショップhttp://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?artist_id=TKOJR(PC/MB共通)※心霊写真ではございません。メンバーが怖がっている写真となります。
■Astalight shop / mu-mo shop special favors"The horror live shots" (solo cut, one out of five pictures at random)Astalight official shophttp://shop.mu-mo.net/st/fc/TGX.html(common to PC/MB)mu-mo shophttp://shop.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?artist_id=TKOJR(common to PC/MB)*These are not psychographs. These pictures are the ones that the members are scared of.
To the lost of timing, the last inventory has just been sold.The person in charge is not here for a business trip.Please wait for a while till we contact you later.Please send a return request from the website to make a cancellation/return the arrived item.Please take procedures from the top page on the website→select the targeted item.We will firstly pay a part of shipping($).On receiving the item, we will start the procedure for refunding.
東京女子流主演映画「学校の怪談 呪いの言霊」Blu-ray&DVD発売!東京女子流主演ホラー映画「学校の怪談 呪いの言霊」が、2014年9月17日にBlu-ray&DVDでポニーキャニオンより発売!公式サイトhttp://www.gakko-no-kaidan.com/<STORY>覗いてはいけない“きつねの窓”、、、学校で一体何が起こったのか?詩織(石橋杏奈)は奇妙な物音で目が覚めた。物音の正体は全てが昭和63年発行の4枚の10円玉が激しく振動する音だった。
A movie starred by TOKYO GIRL'S STYLE "Gakko-no-kaidan (Horror story at school), cursing language of soul" is released on Blu-ray&DVD!A movie starred by TOKYO GIRL'S STYLE "Gakko-no-kaidan (Horror story at school), cursing language of soul" is released by Pony Canion on Blu-ray&DVD on September 17th, 2014!Official sitehttp://www.gakko-no-kaidan.com/STORYThe Fox window(Kitsune no mado) forbidden to look into,,, what in the world has happened at school?Siori (Anna Ishibashi) woke up with strange noise. It was the sound from fircely vibrating four 10 yen coins, issued on the year 63, Showa.
Around the same time, Kazuki, Yosio, Yoshihito, and Hitomi (TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE) sneaked in to the closed school to play a fake horror movie on the net. The four were shooting the movie at school. And, Hitomi made a "Fox window" connected to the another world which Yoshio told her about, and tried to look into the window...
2015年3月11日(水)発売 18th Single「Stay with me」新世代ガールズ・ダンス&ボーカルグループへ!結成から5年、メンバーも変わらず活動を続けてきた東京女子流。節目ともなる今、これからもダンス&ボーカルを持って「音楽の楽しさを歌って踊って伝えたい」というコンセプトをもって活動していくにあたり、楽曲制作にもメンバーが今まで以上に参加。山邊未夢が作詞をするボーカル曲をリリースへ。
18th Single「Stay with me」is released on March 11th (Wed), 2015.Developed to the new generation girls/dance&vocal group!Five years on since the group started, TOKYO GIRLS STYLE has continued performing without changing its members.At this important point in the group's life, members joined composing music more than before, performing with a concept "want to convey the enjoyment of music by singing and dancing" with dance & singing.A song sung by Miyu Yamabe who wrote the song is released!
Get The Star / Last Foreverひと味違った東京女子流が炸裂!LUNA SEAのベーシストJが楽曲提供!「人に伝える」ということの難しさを学んだ東京女子流の初の冠番組「東京女子流スレスレTV!」。この番組では毎回メンバーに挑戦課題が与えられたのだが・・・そこで出された最後の挑戦課題は、なんとロック・ミュージシャンでLUNA SEAのベーシストでもあるJからの提供楽曲への挑戦!
Get The Star / Last ForeverTOKYO GIRL'S STYLE with a difference explodes! Bassist from LUNA SEA, J offers music!The first named TV program "TOKYO GIRL'S STYLE Sure-Sure(too close) TV!" in which TOKYO GIRL'S STYLE learnt the difficulty in "conveying to people".Every time in this program, members were given challenging assignments...surprisingly the last challenging assignment was the one against the offered music by J, a rock musician and bassist from LUNA SEA!
A rock song performed for the first time at a premium LIVE hosted by the program at Kobe international hall and Shibuya public hall in July is released as a both A-side single!Welcoming Kondo Hisashi (agehasprings) who is involved in producing many artists, please enjoy TOKYO GIRL'S STYLE with a difference from before to the full!
2013年12月22日に開催される日本武道館公演の31日前を発売日とした本作は、まさに商品のタイトル通り、"ROAD TO BUDOKAN" なカウントダウン企画も満載!初回特典として封入されるトレーディングカードは、実は全31種類存在し、その内30種はCDへの封入特典!そして最後の1枚は・・・日本武道館公演で手に入る!
This item is, as the title says, full of count-down plans of "ROAD TO BUDOKAN" , and released 31 days prior to the performance at Nihon Budokan on December 22, 2013!The trading card enclosed as the first special favor has surprisingly 31 kinds in total, and of which 30 kinds is an enclosed special favor to the CD! And the last one ...you can get at the performance in Nihon Budokan!
豪華盤は2013年ツアーのドキュメンタリー映像と「スレスレ PREMIUM LIVE」の映像も収録した2013年コンプリート商品!Astalight OFFICIAL SHOP / ミュゥモショップ にてオリジナル特典付きで受付中!★Astalight* OFFICIAL SHOP / ミュウモショップ オリジナル特典オリジナル・クリアポスター(A3サイズ)
The luxurious version is a 2013 complete item which includes a tour documentary in 2013 and pictures from "Sure-Sure PREMIUM LIVE"! You can register at Astalight OFFICIAL SHOP / Myuumo shop with an original special favor! ★Astalight* OFFICIAL SHOP / Myuumo shop original special favor ・ clear poster (size A3)