Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

The problem here, I think, is that currently the way some Chinese companies adopt to make a watch-shaped device smart is simply installing an Android system into it and customizing existing apps.

・Chinese users use smartphones for entertainment, playing games or surfing online, that performs better on bigger screens.

・For men, the reason for wearing a watch is public display of social status. The key is fashion design. Chinese companies, big or small, tech-savvy or not, don’t have fashion design skills and are not capable of leading a fashion trend.





mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Diabetes App Boyibang Secured 4.5 Million Yuan of Angle Investment

Boyibang, a Welldoc-like diabetes management app and platform, secured 4.5 million yuan ($733,974) of angel investment from Ameba Capital and Wu Jiong, executive director of Guahao (report in Chinese).

Founded in 2012, Boyibang combines self-monitoring, online consultation and smart +people reminding services. The app helps patients to keep track of their blood sugar level, food intake, sports and medication on the app, which will generate a real-time medical record. Based on these data, doctors will provide custom health management plans for patients.



Boyibangという、Welldocのような糖尿病管理アプリ・プラットフォームは、Ameba CapitalとGuahaoの取締役であるWu Jiong氏からのエンジェル投資で450万元(733,974米ドル)を調達した (中国語レポート)。


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Progress and goals

Right now Idblognetwork manages 12,000 bloggers with over 180 million aggregated monthly impressions, and the startup has recorded good growth when it comes to attracting an international audience. Freakout itself manages several billion impressions every month in Japan, US, and Asia Pacific.

Founder Kukuh T. Wicaksono hopes that with the new platform, it can offer bloggers and publishers more relevant content from advertisers for readers. At the same time, the team wants to offer more alternatives for companies to spread their advertising campaign over to Ad Exchanges and SSPs through Idblognetwork.




創設者Kukuh T. Wicaksono氏の願いは、この新しいプラットフォームにより同社がブロガーやパブリッシャーの人に対し、読み手に対する広告主からの関連性あるコンテンツを提供することである。同時に、このチームは、 企業がIdblognetworkを通してAd ExchangesやSSPに広告キャンペーンを広めていくための代替手段をもっと提供していきたいという。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Intan Saraswati, Founder and CEO, Kirim, hopes that the new features will help the company take the number of shipments per day to 3,000 by the end of this year.

Growing e-commerce in Indonesia

Quoting Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology figures, Saraswati, says that e-commerce in Indonesia is all set to hit US$13 billion, almost double from 2012, when the figure stood at US$6.9 billion.

Drawing on figures from ‘Indonesia Telecom Indonesia – Go Online Outlook 2012′, research firm Frost & Sullivan, notes that income from e-commerce transactions in Indonesia is all set to reach US$650 million from US$120 million three years ago.


Kirimの創業者兼CEOのIntan Saraswati氏は、この新しい機能が年末までの日あたり発送数3,000達成に役立つものと期待している。


インドネシアのMinistry of Communications and Information Technologyの統計を引用しつつ、Saraswati氏は、インドネシアのeコマースが130億米ドルに達するほどであるという。この数字は69億米ドルであった2012年のほぼ倍の水準である。

「Indonesia Telecom Indonesia – Go Online Outlook 2012」という調査会社Frost & Sullivan作成の数字も引き合いに出し、インドネシアのeコマース取引からの売上は3年前の1億2000万米ドルから6億5000万米ドルに達するほどであるという。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

She says that Kirim’s average delivery time for same day shipments within Jakarta, is 3.5 hours. “By constantly improving our service, we have set the target to have it in two hours at the maximum. For same day, premium service, our best delivery time is 16 minutes,” she adds.

Focus on e-commerce

Going forward, focusing on e-commerce players is Kirim’s priority. The company segments its target markets into personal, corporate and e-commerce; and Saraswati admits that 40 percent of the company’s revenues come from the e-commerce players. Some of noticeable customers in this segment are Lazada and





mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

But how does Kirim fare with heavyweights like DHL, UPS, TNT and JNE in the market? Saraswati sees them not as competition but as enablers in category growth. “We collaborate with them by using their network to deliver our domestic shipment.”

Kirim, currently, has a team of 40 employees – 25 of them are couriers. The company claims that it serves 6,495 sub-districts in 500 cities throughout Indonesia and more than 220 countries worldwide. Commenting on the need to scale up, she says “We are planning to open other hubs and counters in Jakarta. Considering the demand, we consider to set-up branches in major cities across Indonesia."


しかし、Kirimはこの市場にいるDHL、UPS、TNT、JNEなどの重量級事業者にどのように対処するのだろうか? Saraswati氏は、こうした事業者を競合ではなく、この業界での成長を可能にする事業者として見ている。「当社は国内配送を行うのにこうした事業者のネットワークを利用することで協力関係にあります」と述べている。


mars16 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

“We have experienced strong organic growth, with word of mouth buzz making 2013 a breakout year for InStitchu. We chose to partner with Disruptive Capital due to the immense experience they have scaling online businesses. We look forward to working with Calvin Ng, Adir Shiffman, and the rest of the Disruptive team to make InStitchu the number one place for tailored, affordable suits and business attire. While the bootstrapped phase of the business has been exciting, we’re now looking forward to having the capital and expertise to grow our local team, continue to innovate, make strategic acquisitions, and expand internationally.” – Co-Founder Robin McGowan


「当社は力強い有機的成長を経験してきました。InStitchuにとって2013年を飛び抜けた年にするという活気に満ちた声がありました。ネットビジネスをスケールするという素晴らしい経験を有していたため、Disruptive Capitalと提携することを選びました。Calvin Ng、Adir Shiffmanそして残りのDisruptiveチームとともに、InStitchuを手頃なテーラースーツ、ビジネス服のナンバー1にする日を楽しみにしています。自力で歩み始めていた頃はエキサイティングでありましたが、今では現地チームを成長させ、イノベーションを継続し、戦略的な買収をし、国際的な展開をするための資本と経験を有するのを楽しみにしています」 –共同設立者Robin McGowan氏