Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Documents show Xiaomi made just $56M in profit in 2013

Xiaomi, the disruptive Chinese phone maker that sold 18.7 million phones in 2013, has revealed inadvertently how much profit and revenue it pulled in last year.

Xiaomi generated RMB 347.48 million (US$56.15 million) in profit in 2013 from RMB 26.58 billion (US$4.3 billion) in revenue. The numbers emerged from documents filed by Xiaomi in relation to its US$200 million stake in Midea, which happened over the weekend. The figures were spotted by Reuters. (UPDATE: A Xiaomi representative points out that, while the filing is accurate, these figures are for Xiaomi Inc and therefore do “not cover the entirety of Xiaomi’s business.”)


文書情報: Xiaomiの2013年の利益は5600万米ドル


Xiaomiの2013年における利益は3億4748万元(5615万米ドル) 、収益は265億8000万元(43億米ドル)であった。この数字は、週末にXiaomiが2億米ドルをMideaの持分を取得することに関連して同社によりまとめらた文書でたまたまみられたものである。Reutersによって見つけ出された (最新情報: あるXiaomi関係者は、この数字は正確だが、
Xiaomi Inc社の数字であるため、「Xiaomiの事業全てをカバーしているわけではない」と指摘している)。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

In its present form, KTplay has more features than Apple’s Game Center or Google Play Games, but it doesn’t include any ecommerce elements, despite the Alibaba connection. However, that could change. Alibaba representative Rachel Chan explains:

We are open to explore cooperation between KTplay and our other businesses including Alimama for advertising/marketing, cloud computing, and Alipay for payment services.

Alibaba has tinkered with games before, including distributing apps and games on its Taobao shopping marketplace. The company also invested US$120 million into US-based Kabam a few months ago.


いまの形態の時になって、機能の数ではAppleのGame CenterやGoogle Play Gamesと比べてKTplayの方が充実している。ただ、Alibabaとの関係があるにもかかわらずeコマースの要素はない。それでも、状況は変化する可能性はある。Alibabaを代表してRachel Chan氏は次のように説明する。

