Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Some competitors in this space, like Addvocate-Trapit and SocialChorus, concentrate on leveraging their employees’ social media channels and company-generated content. Amplifinity offers an automated, white-labeled platform, while Zuberance has tools like publishing to third-party review sites. Extole and Boulder Logic provide automated customer referrals.

Organ distinguishes his company by its “more comprehensive,” self-service, rewards-driven community.

He said the idea came in 2005 when he was at Eloqua, from a suggestion by a venture capitalist to find out “why some sales processes closed in four days rather than four months.”


Addvocate-TrapitやSocialChorusなど、この業界にいる競合他社の中には従業員のソーシャルメディアチャネルや企業発コンテンツを活用することにフォーカスしているところもある。Amplifinityは自動化されたホワイトラベルのプラットフォームを提供しているのに対し、Zuberanceはサードパーティのレビューサイトへのパブリッシングツールを用意している。ExtoleとBoulder Logicは自動化された顧客推奨サービスを提供している。



mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Influitive offers an online community with exclusive content such as more info about a brand’s products, plus the ability to network with other fans. “Challenges” are tailored to each community member, based on usage, age, geography, and other factors, and may include actions like writing a review or sharing a referral.

Successfully completed challenges generate points, which can be traded for swag, discounts, or other goodies.

CEO and founder Mark Organ told me via email that HP Software wanted to stay in regular communication with customers so they were up-to-date on the company’s latest products.




CEO兼創業者のMark Organ氏は電子メールにて、HP Softwareは顧客との定期的なコミュニケーションがしたいと伝えた。それにより同社の最新製品についてアップデートできるという。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

The Flow of IoT, Beware of Copycats

Shenzhen presents a cheaper and faster solution for manufacturers to build prototypes, but building products remains challenging since there are a handful of copycats around. There are problems like increasing labor costs and living expenses in Shenzhen as the centre becomes a hub for innovation itself rather than a cheap manufacturing city.

One of the challenges in the market is a bandwagon effect on successful products. Joffe mentions that “me-too” products are still a common feature. “A bit cheaper, a bit faster. We think it’s a huge mistake for entrepreneurs, as this approach makes it hard to differentiate and lowers margins for everyone,” he states.



