Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

TechNode Launched XNode Co-working Space, Driving Tech Innovation Across China

Right now in China tech, few words get a workout quite like innovation.
From government policy to the factory floor, the industry is turning itself inside out in an attempt to shift its rep from assemblers to innovators. The country is shaking off its copy-cat reputation to embrace new ideas in some of the fastest growing verticals in the world. Buoyed by a massive population, with an insatiable appetite for all things connected, Chinese entrepreneurs are behind some leading innovations in e-commerce, IoT and offline-to-offline services.




mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Using existing infrastructure inside a physical store, Prayas Analytics says it’s able to glean enough information to help retailers make more informed decisions on how to increase sales. There’s no installation needed, and all pertinent software can be installed and integrated with the retailer’s existing systems. All the software needs is to tap into the store’s security cameras.

It’s one thing to try to spitball what’s happening in a store, but it’s another to have actual data and insights to educate yourself on why customers leave, how to make your workforce more efficient, ways you can better position merchandise and the overall store environment to increase purchases, and more.


Prayas Analyticsによると店舗内にある既存のインフラを活用することによって、小売店が販売を増加させる方法について十分な情報をもとに意思決定をするのに役立つ情報を収集することができるという。インストールは不要で、あらゆる関連ソフトウェアは小売店の既存システムにインストール・統合が可能である。ソフトウェアのニーズは店舗の防犯カメラに入り込むことである。
