chaimalee (malee) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
malee English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text


This is a great item for collectors having four functions.

First, if depositing coin in the machine, it will create the sound of a Coca Cola bottle being uncapped followed by a sound of the Coke being poured out.

Second, it you depress the lever on the door front, it will open the door exposing all the coke bottles and start the Coca Cola jingle song that has been sung from the early 60's. "It's the real thing ..

Third, It acts like a small bank holding a few coins deposited to allow the poping sound and pouring of a Coca-Cola.

Fourth, there is a small black button on back of machine and when the door is open and it is depressed, it shifts the coke bottles to its right.




2.ドアにの前についているレバーを押し下げると、ドアが開きコーラのボトルが現れます。そして60年代初期からよく流れるコカコーラのジングル・ソング "It's the real thing .. " が始まります。

malee English → Japanese
Original Text

1. It is our corporate policy commensurate with the applicable laws of India for exports, that we shall not be entering into any contract of export unless a Deposit in advance against our export is given. We have reworked on Deposit advance with you at $ ****.

2. If you are getting products inclusive of shipping that means you are getting products at its bare cost and commercially it make sense for you to buy from that source.

I therefore, suggest you to please keep on buying from that source and please do not enter into contract with us because you will loose money while dealing with us on account of shipping charges.



