中島裕美 (lulu201510) Translations

5.0 17 reviews
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Over 8 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
Literature Science Hospitals and Healthcare Patents
48 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lulu201510 English → Japanese
Original Text

I want a full refund including the £52 import fee I had to pay customs to receive a fake bag.
Therefore please credit my Paypal account the original amount AND £52.00.

On receipt of this I'm happy to drop the matter. I will not be returning the goods as it will cost me MORE to do so. The goods have be thrown away.

If it do not receive an IMMEDIATE refund I will report this issue to eBay, and leave negative feedback and contact every seller who has previously purchased from you advising them to do the same. Your account will then be shut down.
If I receive a FULL refund I won't take this any further and will leave no feedback.

I look forward to receiving a FULL refund.






lulu201510 English → Japanese
Original Text

I discussed with Mr Demassiet. We have several things to indicate him for the delivery of the rice.

+details to fill the export certificate request to send to FranceAgriMer.

+indicate the palet types: ISPM 15 or other type of adequate palet for exportation to Japan.

+if we would like to obtain a non-OGM attestation, fumigation attestation, physical analysis.

+if we would like to have a non-irradiated attestation, which could be done through a laboratory in Italy (Neotron)

In order to proceed to analyses, we would need to stock for at least 2 weeks the goods before the exportation. Do you have a contact in France which could keep the goods for this mean time? How the goods are insured during the exportation?


+梱包材の種類に関する指示:ISPM 15または他の日本への輸出に適した木製梱包材。


lulu201510 English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello! I got your package,very nice little surprise,thank you! Good quality lens, but there is a back focus +6, I have a camera Nikon d 7100 , it can partially adjust the focus , but I think at different focal lengths, the back focus is slightly different, the camera problems with focus has not. What do you advise me? To you I don't have any complaints, you are a good seller.But a bit disappointing for this problem.

Hello, will you answer my message, or I will be forced to leave feedback on this problem.I would not like.Thanks.

How about the box and the pouch cloth?Are all included?


こんにちは! あなたからの小包を受け取りました、とてもすばらしいちょっとしたサプライズです、ありがとう! 品質のいいレンズで、+6のバックレンズがついている、Nikon d 7100を持っているので、部分的にフォーカスを合わせることができるのですが、違う焦点距離も考えていて、バックフォーカスが少し違っていて、フォーカスに関するカメラの問題は解決しません。何かアドバイスしてもらえますか?あなたには何ら苦情はないのです、あなたは良心的な販売者です。でも、この問題には少しがっかりしています。

こんにちは、私のメッセージに返信してくれますか、それとも私がこの問題についてフィードバックをしなければならないのでしょうか。フィードバックはしたくないのですが。 宜しくお願いします。

箱とポーチの布はどうですか? 全てついているのでしょうか?

lulu201510 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Sorry for the delay of the payment I was sick but I alredy made the both payments I alredy received the first package please ship the second lamborghini countach 1/8 to the same addres in USA
please confirm both payment and ship the item as fastest you can I will be at San Antonio next week Im a little concern about it.
I will wait for replay and again sorry for the payment I didnt know the total refund I tought will be 10 dollars not 1,520.00 of the first shop.
Any way I alredy made both payments please let me know the tracking and remember ship the item to the same address you did before.

・Can you explain what is the problem of the gun. It costed me approximately 450 Usd but I can not use the gun.


入金が遅れていまい申し訳ありませんでした。体調を崩しておりましたが、すでに双方の入金を済ませました。すでに1つ目の荷物を受け取りましたので、2つ目のランボルギーニ カウンタック 1/8も 前回同様合衆国の住所宛に発送してください。 両方の支払い状況をご確認ください。商品はできるだけ速やかに発送して頂ければ幸いです。来週サンアントニオに行くので、発送時期が気になっております。


lulu201510 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

"Customs inspection has not cleared yet. We must to submit 5000 t for customs inspection next time." means the custom inspection for 5000kg will happen after the cargo arrive in Japan, it doesn't happen now.

"We need to talk to you about the product process." means the processing procedure need to be changed or you will give me the plan to process product. Do you need me give you any information?

"To export the products smoothly, we are going to proceed with the preparation of document." means you need time to prepare document? So, how long do you need for that? And can we both prepare it and process product at the same time?

After all, please inform me your plan to go to Vietnam after you set up it.




「スムーズに輸出を行うには、必要書類も同時進行で準備する必要があります」とは、書類を用意する時間が必要という意味でしょうか? そうだとしたら、その作業にどれくらい時間がかかるのでしょうか? また、書類の準備と商品製造とを同時に行うことは可能でしょうか?
