1 新造といへるはあたらしきふねにそへし名なり。(吉原大全)2 おめえが立派に新造んなってちゃらぽこ遊んでられんのも。3 まちかね山でございます。
1. Shinzo, is the name for new ship.2. You yet can play with no fear or worry.3. I'm waiting for you of a long long time...
”この中に○○がいる!!”という話がやりたくて描きました。”犯人”的なものにしてしまうと せっかく団結したのに終わりが悲しくなりそうなので.”この中に山田さんがいる!!”だと楽しそうだなということできたお話です。-「千百六十度何処から見ても危ないと思います。自覚がないのかい?」「ありすげるくらいだよ!」-Man:「僕歌がへたなんだ。それに...目が痛い。」Child:「痛いの? どこ?ちーこなでなでしてあげる。」-傷ついたり不快な思いをしないで人になじめると思ってんのかよっ。
I would like to describe as "○○Is here!" Something like "The criminal!" would cause the end of unite, therefore this story was born with the funny idea of "Mr. Yamada is here!""It seems dangerous from any viewpoints. Did you notice yet?""Of course, a lot"Man"I'm poor at singing, and my eyes hurt..."Child"Hurt? Where? Pain, pain, go away."How can you accostum people, without experiences as injuring and unpleasantness?
I tried but result was same. However, I wondered and reset my password on the URL below, I succeeded to login. It doesn't matter others not face same issue. I guess cache matters...it's so technical for me to realize, anyway appreciate for resolution.I hope you to solve other problems as same.It does works completely correctly, thank you very much. I'm really sorry for inconvenient.