MASTER 8 JAPANは、日本国内最大のギターピック専業製造会社のIKEDAと、数々のアーティストのギタービルドとメンテナンスを行っているカスタムギターブランドTRUSTがダブルネームで設立した新しいギターピックブランドです。特徴新素材INFINIXは、柔軟性、形状記憶性、対磨耗性に優れています他ピックの素材と比べてピックノイズが少ない。磨耗しずらく長時間演奏しても変わらないニュアンスのプレイが可能。指への密着性があるためグリップ力も高い
MASTER 8 JAPAN is a newly established and doubled named guitar-pick brand by ‘IKEDA’ the Japanese most well known guitar-pick manufacturer and ‘TRUST’ the custom guitar brand which offers guitar building and Maintenance services for significant musicians. FEATURESthe newly introduced material ‘INTEX’ will be sperior in that it has flexibility, shape-memories, and abrasion resistance. It leads to less pick noise than others. It’s made for the use of long time play and it doesn’t keeps the sounds as they are originally tuned. It’s also grippy caused by its sticking force on fingers.