kirschbluete Translations

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Over 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kirschbluete English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Become an overnight success. Ever notice how some people become overnight successes and wonder why you can't be as successful? Well, let me let you in on a secret. Most of those people who became an "overnight success" have worked for years, getting the education they need, the experience they need, making plans, focusing on their priorities and quietly going about their business. Then the day came when they were ready, they saw their chance, they took action and presto, they were OVERNIGHT SUCCESSES. So if you want to be an overnight success too, keep your nose to the grindstone, get ready, and when you see your opportunity, TAKE ACTION, and you will be an overnight success as well.



kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

Up for sale with NO RESERVE is a set of used Mikuni TMX 35mm gas carbs. These carbs are in great condition. They performed flawlessly and provide huge power gains! 20-25% more power than stock carbs. the TMX 35 is the perfect street carb for the H2, wont kill your bottom end like bigger carbs. If you have never used this carb on your H2, be ready to hold on tight! They came off a very fast and clean 750 H2, but could be also used on H3 or H1. I will include for free the used throttle cable if payed within 24hr after auction ends. If you are looking for HUGE power these are it. Carbs are ultrasonic clean. Please read the terms on bottom of page before bidding. I ship world wide.


中古品 Mikuni TMX 35mm ガスキャブレターのセットを最低落札価格設定なしにて売り出し致します。キャブレターは、すばらしい状態です。完璧な動作と巨大な電力能力を提供します!ストックキャブレターより、20-25%パワーがあります。TMX 35は、H2用の完全ストリートキャブレターで、大型キャブレターのようにあなたのズボンを汚しません。H2にこのキャブレターを使用したことがなければ、しっかりつかんで離さないご準備を!750 H2から速く、汚さずに取り外しができ、H3やH1にも使用することができます。オークションが終了して24時間に支払いしていただければ、中古のスロットルケーブルを無料でお付けします。巨大パワーの商品をお探しならこれです。キャブレターは超音波洗浄です。入札の前に、ページの下部の取引条件をお読みください。世界各国に発送いたします。

kirschbluete German → Japanese
Original Text

Wir bieten:

Die Möglichkeit der Zusammenarbeit mit einem Weltmarktführer
Hochdetaillierte Qualitätsprodukte
Faire Konditionen
Vertriebliche Unterstützung

Folgende Voraussetzungen müssen Sie mitbringen:

Solide kaufmännische Kenntnisse
Gute Kenntnisse des Modellmarkts
Eigeninitiative und vertriebliches Geschick

Für den Fall, dass Sie sich angesprochen fühlen und Interesse an einer Zusammenarbeit haben, bitten wir Sie um die Zusendung aussagefähiger Unterlagen über Sie, Ihre bisherige Tätigkeit und weshalb wir gerade mit Ihnen gemeinsames Wachstum erzielen können an folgende Adresse:

NZG Nürnberger Zinkdruckguss-Modelle GmbH
Sigmundstraße 147
z.H. Fr. v. Rochow

90431 Nürnberg / Germany







NZG ニュルンベルガー チックドゥルックグス-モデレ ゲーエムベーハー
ツィーグムントシュトラーセ 147
z.H. Fr. v. Rochow

90431 ニュルンベルク / ジャーマニー

kirschbluete English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

NPC on,a sensor has triggered excessively and is bypassed.
Remote sensor bypass on,the bypassed sensor will not trigger the alarm.
Siren is enabled and will sound for all alarm outputs.
Siren is disabled for sensor triggers,remote is paged for all triggers(Sensor silent arm).
Siren is disabled for all triggers, remote is paged for all triggers(full silent arm).
pager on,pager off.
Battery save on(red dot),battery save off(not dot).
tone on (icon is not present when tone is off).
vibrate on(icon is not present when vibrate is off).
Example page off, Vibrate on & Tone on.
Varying combinations of these icons reflect the paging and Alert types menu settings.


試作品は、呼び出しオフ、振動オン & 音オン

kirschbluete English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Remote start is active, the engine is runnning. Manual Transmission start mode is enabled, the engine can be started.The system is armed, the alarm is enabled.
The System is disarmed, the alarm is disabled.The system is Locked in Valet, the alarm is disabled.The system is Unlocked in valet, the alarm is disabled.second system operation:is set to control a second system,the above lock icons will contain a '2'.
info center;Display the remote start runtime, temperature auto-report, parking meter and countdown timers. while status screen is on, press the menu wheel to change the displayed information.Trigger zones are enabled and functioning normally.
Trigger zone fault found when arming and is bypassed.




kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

Each Antique Dining Table Bread & Butter Knife measures approximately 6 1/2 inches or 166 mm in length, it is just over 5/8 of an inch or 17 mm across the widest part of its handle and it is just under 3/4 of an inch or 18 mm across the widest part of its blade.

All 6 butter knives are made from sterling silver rounded stylized relief shell and thread decorated handles and they have silver plated blunt round end blades that are ideal for opening bread rolls and spreading butter, the butter knives are complete with their original gold tooled black leather bound hinged fitted velvet lined presentation case or box that has a gilt catch on the front all as photographed below.


各アンティークのダイニングテーブルブレッド&バターナイフの寸法: 長さ約6  1/2 inch または 166 mm、柄の最も幅の広い部分: 1  5/8 inch 余り または 17mm、刃の最も幅の広い部分:1  3/4インチ 足らず または 18mm


kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

Using an infrared beam to detect when the flies nodded off, they discovered those with the variant slept for an average of just 317 minutes a day instead of the typical amount of 927 minutes. The mutant flies also snoozed for shorter periods, and slept and woke more frequently.
Dr Stavropoulos said: "The results showed a dramatic loss of both the duration of the flies' sleep and their ability to remain asleep after they dozed off.
"But what's especially interesting is the insomniac gene may function through homeostatic mechanisms.
"These are distinct from the well-studied circadian clock pathways linked to sleep, and have an effect on the body regardless of the time of day."


ハエが居眠りしたか検知するために赤外線ビームを使用したところ、彼らは典型的な量の927分に代わって、1日平均ちょうど317分間変異体のあるものが眠ることを発見しました。突然変異体は、より短い期間うたた寝し、より頻繁に寝たり起きたりして飛びます。Dr Stavropoulosは言った:「結果は、ハエが居眠りした後、ハエの睡眠とまだ居眠りしている彼らの能力の両方の期間の著しい損失を示しています。」「しかし、特に興味深いのは、不眠症の遺伝子がホメオスタシスのメカニズムによって機能するかもしれないことです。」「これらは、一日の時間帯にもかかわらず身体に効果があるゆえリンクしたよく研究された体内時計経路とは異なります。」

kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

The scientists believe the gene works by eliminating specific proteins within brain cells that help in the onset of sleep.
The researchers also found flies with mutations lived only about two thirds as long as others.
But when the scientists eliminated the gene from neurons - allowing it to remain in the rest of the flies' bodies - this disparity was eliminated. The resulting animals slept poorly but lived just as long.
Dr Stavropoulos said: "This suggests reduced sleep can be 'uncoupled' from reduced lifespan, supporting the idea some disruptions of sleep do not effect overall health, at least as far as lifespan is concerned."


研究者達はさらに、突然変異のあるハエは他とより約3分の2のみ生きていたことを見つけました。しかし科学者たちは、ニューロンから遺伝子を排除した時 - それがハエの身体の残りにとどまるを可能にするにしても - この不均衡が排除されました。その結果動物は不十分に眠ったけれど、同じように長く生きていました。
Dr.Stavropoulosは言いました:  これは、少なくとも寿命に関する限り、睡眠のいくつかの突然の分裂が健康全般に影響しないという考えを支援し、減った睡眠が短くなった寿命から「分離」することができることを示唆しています。」