ketchup Translations

ID Unverified
About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ketchup English → Japanese
Original Text

D2C Announces Launch of the “;Dcloud” Cloud Service for Users Worldwide

Back in March, I wrote an article about 5 Very Cool Japanese Mobile Technology Companies from Mobile World Congress and highlighted a company called DCloud. The company is the world’s first Emoji (animated emoticons) based cloud service developed by a consortium between Bijutsu Shuppan, d2c and Dentsu. Simply, it allows developers to embed an SDK into their app and let their users play with over 100k cute emoji’s. Especially for Japanese girls, emoji’s make their messages more cute and animated, wah! In March the service was in beta; now it is fully public.


D2Cは全世界のユーザー向けに "DCloud"クラウドサービスを発表

この間の3月に、「 5 Very Cool Japanese Mobile Technology Companies from Mobile World Congress(モバイルワールドコングレスで見つけた日本の5つのとてもクールなモバイルテクノロジー会社)」という記事の中でDCloudという会社を取り上げました。DCloudは世界で最初の絵文字をベースにしたクラウドサービスを美術出版・d2c・電通とともに共同開発した会社です。

