aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

MariNyanyi Creates and Distributes Indonesian Children Song

Unlike when I was little, children nowadays prefer teenage or adult songs with a theme unsuitable for them. One of the reason is there are no qualified song for children sung by child singer.

Apparently, there’s a song writer concerns about this issue. Djito Kasilo, who works as strategic planner, creates MariNyanyi (lets sing in Indonesian), a website which provides a lot of songs for children. These songs are available to be played directly in MariNyanyi and free to download. Djito even hopes there’s someone willing to download the songs, put them in a CD and give them away to schools and orphanages.



私が幼かった頃とは異なり、最近の子供たちは、10代もしくは成人向きであって彼らには不適当なテーマの曲を好む。 その理由の1つとして、子供の歌手が歌う子供たち向けの楽曲が存在しないことが挙げられる。

どうやら、この問題について心配しているソングライターがいるのだ。ストラテジックプランナーとして働くDjito Kasilo氏はMariNyanyi (インドネシア語で「さぁ、歌おう」という意味)という名前のウェブサイトを立ち上げた。そこでは子供たちのための楽曲をたくさん提供している。これらの曲は直接MariNyanyiで聴くこともできるし、無料でダウンロードもできる。Djitoはさらに、その楽曲をダウンロードして、それをCDに入れて、そして学校や孤児たちにそれを配布しようとする人があらわれてほしいと希望している。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

The website also enables user to suggest a theme to be made into song for children. From those suggestions, Ayah Djito (Djito’s nickname in MariNyanyi) will write a song and upload it to MariNyanyi.

MariNyanyi, intended for children, has a colorful look for the website. MariNyanyi has 3 mascots, namely Bubu, Sisi, and Koko which are the representation of singers in MariNyanyi. Currently, there are 145 songs with various themes and positive message available for download.

User can also give a rate for the songs on MariNyanyi. MariNyanyi also has a Facebook Page so user can interact with Ayah Djito and other users.

If you are interested to educate for child through a song, you can try MariNyanyi service.


そのウェブサイトはまた、子供たちのための曲に織り込まれるテーマについてユーザーが提案することも可能になっている。それらの提案を元にAyah Djito (MariNyanyi内でのDjitoのニックネーム)は作曲し、それをMariNyanyiにアップロードする。


ユーザーはMariNyanyi内の曲にレート評価をつけることもできる。MariNyanyiは、さらにFacebook Pageを持っており、ユーザーはAyah Djitoや他のユーザーと交流することができる。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Want to get your first 100 paying customers? Ask yourself these three questions first.

Three questions to help craft your marketing or growth plan to hit that crucial first 100 paying customers.

During the starting out phase, getting your first 100 paying customers is crucial, and can often mean the life or death of your business within the first 3-6 months. In this article, I’ll help you craft your marketing/growth plan to get your first 100 paying customers, based on three simple questions.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text


Now that you’ve gathered all the answers, it’s time to execute.

You’ll need to create actionable items based on your answers. Let me give you an example.

Let’s say you are selling high-end web hosting services for bloggers. Your ideal customers are obviously A-list bloggers who makes more money than others. You found out that they make their hosting decision based on what their fellow bloggers are using. And where do they hang out? A-list blogs, of course! Using all these information, your first most important actionable item would be getting at least one of the A-list blogger to use your hosting service, and try to spread the word through the blogger (reviews, tweets, exclusive discount, etc).






kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Japanese Collaborative Diagram Service Cacoo Hits 500,000 Users

Japanese startup, Cacoo, the online diagram and wire-frame creator, has surpassed 500,000 users recently. We have been tracking and using Cacoo for more than a year ourselves, so we’re happy to see it reach this milestone. Readers may recall our team experimenting with its Google Hangouts feature a few months back.

The product was developed by Nulab Inc, a software company based in Fukuoka, Japan. You can catch the video below to find out more about the service. But in short, think of Cacoo as a collarborative wireframe creator. It brings all your team members together to build a diagram on a single page in real-time.




その製品は、日本の福岡を本拠とするソフトウェア会社であるヌーラボ(Nulab Inc)により開発された。あなたは、下の動画を見てそのサービスに関する詳細を知ることができる。しかし手短にいうと、Cacooとは共同でウェブサイトのワイヤーフレームを制作できるサービス、ということになる。あなたのチームメンバーが一緒になって、1つのページ上のダイアグラムをリアルタイムで作ることができるのだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Views on how the various ecosystem work together

Slowly but surely, the next big thing around the technology scene will come from Southeast Asia because of its huge potential. According to Sieng Van Tran, an investor based in Vietnam, we are already seeing the various countries in the region complementing each other. While Vietnam has the brute force, China and Indonesia has the critical mass, and Singapore has the infrastructure and salesmanship. However, there are currently some disconnections between all these countries and in order to move things forward, we would need more cross pollination of ideas and resources.



ゆっくりと、だが確実に、テクノロジー業界をとりまく次の大ブームは東南アジアにやってくる。なぜならそこには大きな潜在性があるからだ。ベトナムの投資家Sieng Van Tran氏によると、我々はすでにその地域内で様々な国々が互いに補い合っているのを見ている。ベトナムには大きなパワーがある一方で、中国とインドネシアは臨界質量を持ち、シンガポールはインフラとセールスマンシップを持っている。しかし、これらすべての国々は現在ある意味では分断されている。そして物事を前進させるため、我々はアイディアやリソースの相互交流をはかる必要があるのかもしれない。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thoughts on Builk, our startup pitch winner and whether can it go into the various markets

For Vietnam, there is a industry problem now with too much supply of property, reflecting a lack of opportunity for Builk to penetrate into the market. Tran continued by saying that Gimmie would be doing really well in Vietnam as the country is booming with a lot of gaming startups now. For Builk to venture into Indonesia, Danny mentioned that it might also be difficult. “In Indonesia, it’s not how good you are, but it’s how the Indonesian know you.” Builk would face a cultural problem in Indonesia as most Indonesian in the construction industry have friends and family as their vendors.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Biggest challenge in the various region

In Indonesia, everyone seemed to be focusing only in Jakarta, which saw all the startup action taking place. Startups need to start realizing that they need to start growing into other domestic markets around Indonesia before other players start to come in. To penetrate the Indonesian market, startups also have to realize that raising funds locally in indonesia is hard because the country does not have a financial ecosystem to support that yet. In order to survive, the best is to bootstrap, says William Henley, which closed by advising: “Getting traction here has never been easy, is not easy, and is not going to be easy, so you need to have a good monetization model.”



インドネシアにおいては、みんながジャカルタのみに集中しているようだ。すべてのスタートアップがジャカルタで行動を起こしている。スタートアップ企業は、他の企業が参入を始める前に、インドネシア周辺の国々の市場内で成長を始める必要があることに気づき始める必要がある。インドネシア市場に浸透するために、スタートアップはまた、インドネシアでは地元で資金調達を行うのが難しいことにも気づかなくてはならない。なぜなら同国ではそれを支援するような金融の環境がまだ整っていないからだ。生き残るためにベストの方法は独力でやることだ、とWilliam Henleyは述べる。そして、このような助言を述べてしめくくった。「ここで牽引力を得ることは決して容易なことではなかったし、今も容易ではないし、将来も容易にはならないだろう。したがってあなたが必要なのは良いマネタイズのモデルだ。」

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

In embedded systems the emphasis tends to be more on the computational elements, and less on an intense link between the computational and physical elements. Multipurpose adaptivity and reliability features are playing more and more of a central role, especially while scaling silicon technologies down according to Moore´s benchmarks. Leading processor and mainframe companies are gaining more awareness of reconfigurable computing technologies due to increasing energy and cost constraints.My view is of an “all-win-symbiosis” of future silicon-based processor technologies and reconfigurable circuits/architectures. e.g. especially in safety-critical application domains like automotive, avionics and railway.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Reliability, failure-redundancy and run-time adaptivity using real-time hardware reconfiguration are important aspects for current and future embedded systems, e.g. for smart mobility in automotive, avionics, railway, etc.. Thus, scalability, as we have experienced for the last 35 years is at its end as we enter new phases of technology and certification within safety-critical application domains. Beyond the capabilities of traditional reconfigurable fabrics (like FPGAs), the so-called Multi-/Many-Core solutions are confirmed on the future semiconductor roadmaps. This requires new solutions for programming and integrating such kind of parallel and heterogenous architectures and platforms.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Nano Era with corresponding circuits/architectures allow for micro-mechanical switches that enable new memory and reconfiguration technologies with the advantage of online chip adaptivity and non-volatility. Transient faults may lead to unreliable information processing as information in nano-sized devices is much less. Power consumption and related problems present a challenge where information is processed within a smaller area/volume budget. This includes the consideration of appropriate fault tolerance techniques and especially the discussion of necessary efficient and online self-repairing mechanisms for driving such kind of future silicon and non-silicon based technologies and architectures.

