aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thus, Terra Motors’ first strategy is to enter the luxury motorbike market, avoiding the cheaper market.

We entered Vietnam because Vietnamese people are motorbike crazy. China is too risky, Indonesia is too big, and Thailand is migrating to cars. Vietnamese people also pay a lot for their scooters and motorbikes. In Italy, home of the Vespa, our Italian colleagues were shocked to hear that Vietnamese people pay $3,000 to $5,000 for a motorbike. Here, nice motorbikes are a status symbol. So when we enter the market, we will enter with expensive luxury e-motorbikes around the $5,000 price point focusing on the rich and celebrities. We need to change the perception of the consumer around e-motorbikes.


それで、Terra Motorsは最初の戦略として、より廉価な品を望む市場を避け、高級バイク市場に参入する。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Hayashi is confident that this will not deter Vietnamese customers. After all, as he says:

Gas is going up, and Vietnamese people are fascinated by new technologies. Despite the poor economy, we still think we can capture a significant market share.

And I can see why, the first e-bike can drive up to 60 kilometers without a charge, is beautifully designed, can plug into any outlet to charge, and allows drivers to plug in their smartphone to the motorbike’s dashboard to track speed, battery usage, and other relevant data.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Terra Motors’ next, cheaper model, will be around $1,500 to $3,000 and will be able to run 40 kilometers without a charge. Both of these models are geared towards city people who don’t have to go on roadtrips. When I asked, what if I want to take a longer trip? Hayashi replied:

Well, we’re always working on improving battery technology. Also, we’re looking at building hybrid motorbikes that can go over 100 kilometers, and cost about $1,500 to $2,000. This way, you can drive in the city on battery and drive to the countryside on gas. No company currently has hybrid motorbikes.


Terra Motorsの次のモデルは少し安くなり、価格は1,500ドルから3,000ドルとなるだろう。走行可能距離は40キロだ。これらは両方とも、長距離を走行しなくてもよい都市生活者向けのモデルだ。そこで私は、もっと長い距離を走りたいならばどうなのかと尋ねた。林氏は次のように答えた。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Vuclip Provides Free Educational Videos to Mobile Phone Users

Mobile video service Vuclip announced today that it opens a video portal dedicated to education videos called edu. The videos are created to supplement education for K-12) and higher education across the world, and it can be watched on 5,500 internet-enabled mobile handsets, even including the most basic phones.

So far all the educational videos are provided by the famous non-profit educational organization Khan Academy. While currently the educational videos on Vuclip’s new channel are only in English language, eventually the company plans to roll out course materials in other languages too.




これまでのところ、教育用動画はすべて、著名な教育専門の非営利組織Khan Academyが提供している。現在、Vuclipの新しいチャンネル上で視聴できる教育用動画は英語版のみだが、同社は後に他言語でも教材を公開することを計画している。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

There aren’t a lot of mentions about education startups these days, at least when compared to the startups focusing in other industries such as gaming, entertainment, e-commerce, and others. One of the issues might be the difficulty in reaching those who really need it. Khan Academy won’t prove to be as effective in Indonesia, for example. In part, because a lot of impoverished schools here don’t provide internet connection for its poor students. But I hope change is about to come soon. With companies like Vuclip as well as the budding educational startups over in Silicon Valley taking the lead, we may see that change.


最近では、教育専門のスタートアップについて語られる機会が少ない。いずれにせよ、ゲームや娯楽、Eコマースなど、他の産業にフォーカスするスタートアップと比較すればそのように言えるだろう。その一因は、本当に必要とする人たちにリーチするのが難しいことかもしれない。たとえば、Khan Academyはインドネシアでは他の国と同じような成果をあげることができないだろう。その原因の一部は、資金力に欠けるインドネシアの多くの教育機関は貧しい学生たちにインターネット設備を提供していないからだ。だが、私はもうすぐこの状況が変化するのではないかと思っている。Vuclipのような企業や、新たに登場しつつあるシリコンバレーを拠点とする教育専門スタートアップが主導することにより、我々はその変化を目にするのかもしれない。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Will 2013 be the Year We See More Educational Startups in Indonesia? I Hope So

Indonesia’s largest telco Telkomsel, together with parent company Telkom, announced yesterday that it has opened wifi access to 100 higher education institutions and 1,000 secondary high schools (SMA) around Indonesia. This is in line with the company’s plan to install 100,000 wifi hotspots in Indonesian highschools by the end of this year, and even more in later years.

This is great news, as it now becomes easier and more affordable for Indonesian students to go online. The question for me is, will this help new education startups to bloom in the country?





kenny2030 English → Japanese
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I’ve spoken my mind before about the lack of startups in the online learning sector here, something which bugs me as a former teacher. It’s in stark contrast to numerous startups in other industries, like social media. I believe one of the biggest reasons for this situation is the lack of facilities needed for Indonesian students to get online. But with that problem finally being tackled, and students soon able to get a full day of internet access for only IDR 1,000 (10 US cents), entrepreneurs should seriously start looking at the education industry a little bit more. I have three reasons for that:



kenny2030 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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1. Lack of competition

First, there aren’t a lot of e-learning startups in Indonesia yet. In my opinion, the biggest educational website is the one made by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Rumah Belajar (means “home of learning”). Ranked 447th in the country according to Alexa, the website offers virtual classes where it connects teachers and students online and has studying resources (pictured below) for Indonesian school students. These resources include free e-books and an ample amount of free materials online (some of them in the form of Flash-based games) which I think are really good.


1. 競争相手が存在しない

まず、インドネシアにはまだeラーニングを手がけるスタートアップがあまり存在していない。私の意見だが、教育関連のウェブサイトとして最も大きいのはインドネシア教育文化省が作ったサイトRumah Belajar(「学習の家」を意味する)である。Alexaのデータによると、国内で447位にランクインしている同サイトは、インドネシアの学生向けにオンラインで教師と学生を結んでバーチャル授業を行っており、学習用の教材(下の画像)を提供している。こうした教材の中には、無料の電子書籍やたくさんの無料で利用できるオンライン教材(中にはFlashで制作されたゲーム形式の教材も)が含まれている。それらの質は本当に良いと思う。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Connection in a conducive environment

Second, better web access in schools means a surge of potential new users for educational websites. Previously, the possible user-base was tiny for such startups, with only middle- to high-income families able to let their kids access learning material on home computers, while everyone else had to go online from internet cafes – places where kids tend to start playing online games instead. But now, more people will be connected from their schools, where their teachers can encourage greater access to educational sites and perhaps better incorporate online material into the classroom.


2. インターネットを利用しやすくなることで有利な環境が生まれる
