Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Considering that someone who contributes 10 percent of their $40,000 in income to a 401(k) plan at a 6 percent return has $311,572 more after 35 years than one who contributes 3 percent, underutilizing retirement plans is a surefire way to derail you on your way to millionaire status.”
5. You possess a sense of urgency.
Millionaires don’t wait for the perfect time to invest or launch their business. They realize that there’s no better time than the present to start making money. Sitting back and waiting is one of the best ways to squash your dreams.
Bottom line -- start right now.
6. You’re focused more on earning than saving.
It’s no secret that the wealthy are frugal with their money.


5. 緊迫感を持つこと
肝心なこと -- 始めるのは今です。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Don't worry; I can definitely help - I just need a little more information. Please can you let me know your 9 digit order number, which can be found on your order confirmation email? Also could you please confirm your full name and billing address. Once you can let me know, I'll definitely be able to sort this out for you.

Protecting our customers is really important to us and to comply with the Data Protection Act we can only discuss order and account information with the registered DBCA account holder.

Please contact us from the email address registered to your DBCA account as we use this to verify it's you contacting us.


心配はいりません。私は確実にあなたの力になります。- ただもう少し情報が必要です。注文確認の電子メールに記載があった、あなたの9桁の注文番号を教えて頂けますか?。 また、あなたの氏名のフルネームと請求書をお送りする住所を教えてください。それらの情報をお送り頂いて後、本件について私は間違いなく本格的に調査を開始できます。



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I think I understand what you mean.

You want me to send an extra set of eyes for a SU-Lin doll. Is this a doll that I made? If so, I will include the eyes free -- if I used an eye that wasn't expected/wanted.

These eyes can be difficult to insert. If you want to send the SU-Lin head with bonnie&luhua, I can do this with no charge.

SU Lin 13-15 will be finished tomorrow. So on Monday I will ship su-Lin dolls together.

Then, If I understand correctly, the following week I will send Madeline, Lilith, head of Bonnie, and Li hua head in one package. (Also SU-Lin head with new eyes if you wish).

You want me to put in value of $75 on all packages from now on.

Just confirming what I understand.



SU-Lin 人形のためにもう1セットの眼をお送りすればよろしいですね? その人形は私が製作したものでしょうか? もしそうであれば、眼のセットは無料にさせて頂きます。 - もし私がお客様の期待していたものとは異なる眼を使って人形を製作したのであれば。


SU-Lin の修理の #13~#15は明日には完了いたします。そこで月曜には SU-Lin も一緒に発送させていただきます。

そして、もし私の理解が正しいならば、その翌週には Madeline と Lilith、ボニーの頭部、および Li-Hua の頭部をひとつのパッケージに同梱してお送りいたします。(さらにもしご希望であれば新しい眼を装着した SU-Lin の頭部も含めます。)



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

7 Things Parents Can Do Every Day to Make Their Child Feel Loved
1:Make an effort to have some one-on-one time.
2:Put your phone down for them.
3:Let them be a witness to the love in your other relationships.
4:Listen intently.
5:Show them tough love.
6:Laugh out loud.
7:Say those three magic words.
Even though the word "love" has a tendency to be thrown around flippantly, the phrase "I love you" will never go out of style. Along with those three little words, using other positive words of encouragement will help your child to know you are proud of them, that they deserve to feel empowered, and that you care deeply for them.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I have practiced on a spare limb, trying to remove the paint and always get the yellow-orange color you have on your Bonnie, after the paint remover. Nothing seems to remove it.I would like to make you a new Bonnie head, next time you order a doll from me, and send it home with the new next doll, when it is finished, at no extra charge to you, for the Bonnie replacement head. I don't know what else to do, that would be fair to you.No hurry on your art, when ever you order your ext doll, is fine and will then make a new head. I also will send you a container of reborn doll powder blush, so you can blush the dolls the way you would like them to be.



ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I do not request a refund, just an exchange of the returning item for a smaller size. There was not an area when ordering the jacket, to select a particular size, (extra small, small, etc.)

I would like to exchange the returning cotton jacket for a small or extra small.

This wonderful, lovely cotton jacket is for my Mother. It is a gift to replace her old one, she has had for the last 30 years.

Thank you for your kindness!

I would like re-order the jacket in an extra-small size. Could that be arranged and how long would the delivery take?

Thank you, again for your understanding.








ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Regarding the food additive , we can import with both A and B because all ingredient of both allowed to use in Viet Nam ,Except C , ingredient has Aluminium Potassium Sulphate – E522 ,E522 did not allow to use in Viet Nam .

So we need your help to supply the proof of Aluminium Potassium Sulphate – E522 ,E522 using in Japan . Based on this proof we have to submit to Food Safety Department (VFA) for checking

When we receive these food additives , we will inform you about shipment details.

Interpreter-Mr Sato , he is busy on 6th August and free on 9th Aug, we are trying to find another one to help us for translation.

We are looking forward to receiving your advice


食品添加物に関しまして、材料に硫酸アルミニウムカリウム - E522 が含まれているCを除き、ベトナムでは、AとBの両者を輸入することは可能です。E522のベトナム国内での使用は許可されていません。

そこで、弊社は、日本ではE522、硫酸アルミニウムカリウム の使用が認められているという証明を御社の力添えで獲得したいです。この証明に基づいてベトナム食品安全管理局に確認の申請を行う必要があります。




ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

No, you were already refunded so there isn't anything else we can do here. It will only cost us more money at this point to keep exchanging the items.

It sounds like you want a perfect looking piece of natural leather but all of our belts have aged since they have arrived. We think you are better off finding a local retailer and buying a belt from them in person so that you can be sure that you are getting exactly what you want. Every time we ship you a new belt it costs us more than the cost of the belt so we keep losing money on this. Plus there will be less headache for you which we want as well.


