junnyt Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
junnyt Japanese → English
Original Text






About management and security of personal data

1.Our company manages personal data corrected under the circumstances which general users can’t access to it and manages the data properly to stop illegal access, loss, destruction, defacing or divulgation. In addition, our company sometimes delegates the dealing of personal data to the company with which we made a contract and think reliable enough. However, in this case personal data is protected under this policy.

2.In case that the third person or users suffer a loss by illegal action such as from hackers despite our security policy, please agree that we are not responsible. Please manage the information to identify users strictly on your own to avoid loss and being known by others.

3. About the protection of personal data on other company’s website or on that of individuals, this policy is not available. Please look at and use the web site after checking the content of it closely on your own.

junnyt Japanese → English
Original Text



※Cookie can save and use the usage history or the entry which you send and receive between the browser and the server when visiting web sites as files on their computer.

Users can take advantage of displaying the contents or the advertisements in which they have some interest effectively using cookie.

Though they can refuse to receive cookie by changing the setting of the browser, there is a possibility that some functions available on this site is restricted if you don’t use cookie.

In addition, there is no information recorded in the cookie like e-mail address, phone number or residence with which you can specify individuals.

junnyt Japanese → English
Original Text





Spinning Works stock company (call “our company” from now) manages the web site “Qlippy” (called “this web site” from now). About all the service available on this web site, our company gains minimum information necessary for people who use this service (called users from now).

Our company recognizes the importance of the information with which you can specify individual user (called personal data) and we determine the privacy policy (called this policy) below about how to deal the personal data.

The purpose of personal data usage

We use personal data for the purposes below. We never use it unless we write it on “commission or offer of the personal data to the third person” below or users agree it.

junnyt Japanese → English
Original Text













(1)To provide the service or to confirm the registration for this site.

(2)To send users notice mails.

(3)To make statistic materials to inquire the usage situation or the environment for the usage and to improve the service of this site.

(4)To provide the proper support for users such as responses to users' inquiries.

(5)To solve the problem while managing this service.

(6)To enrich the contents of this service.

What personal information is:

Personal information is the information with which you can identify individuals including those below.

(1)The information regarding individuals which users registered when starting using this service like their names, e-mail addresses or passwords.

(2)The information regarding the contents of this service which users used, the date on which they used it, how many times they used it or the history how they used it.

(3)The information acquired automatically(about cookie, logging-in, connection between computers(types and versions of the browser plug-in, operation system, terminal ID, IP address, answering time of the systems, access time to the particular web-site))

junnyt Japanese → English
Original Text












Correction of personal information

1.After a user register an account our company can save and use his or her personal information until regarded account is deleted.

2.Our company can correct the history how users used this service. This information includes the browsers or types of terminals which they use or IP addresses.

About commissions or offers of personal information to the third person

1. Our company never commits or offers the personal information to the third person without the agreements of users in advance. Here are the exceptions below.

(1)In case that our company decides it is necessary to open or share the information on for providing this service.

(2)In case users agreed in advance that their personal information can be opened

(3)In case our company decides it is necessary to open the information for protecting the profits or rights of users or the third person.

(4)In case of emergency such as the one which threatens people’s life, body or their property.

(5)In case we receive inquiries officially based on laws from the public institutions like law court or the police.