itprofessional16 Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

from the soldiers and congratulations were offered to each of the generals, without intermission, through the entire day and night.Now Octavian and Antony made a fresh partition of the whole Roman empire between themselves, the boundary line being Scodra, which was supposed to be situated about midway up the Adriatic gulf. All provinces and islands east of this place, as far as the river Euphrates, were to belong to Antony and all west of it to the ocean to Octavian. Lepidus was to govern Africa, inasmuch as Octavian had given it to him. Octavian was to make war against Pompeius unless they should come to some agreement, and Antony was to make war against the Parthians to avenge their treachery toward Crassus.



itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

The DeLonghi Magnifica Super Automatic Espresso Machine, also known as the DeLonghi ESAM3300, makes espressos, cappuccinos, hot chocolate, lattes and tea. It features a built-in grinder, double boiler and 1,774ml. water tank. It also features a "Decalcification Warning" light on the control panel that flashes when it's time to clean the machine of mineral deposits that can disrupt the flow of liquids. It is extremely important to run a decalcification solution through the tubing inside the machine when the light flashes. This prevents deposits from damaging your espresso machine and affecting the flavour of your drinks.



itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

1.Place a 964gr or larger container under the cappuccino frother.

2.Empty the water tank and then refill it with 1 qt. of water. Add a bottle of DuraGol Descaler to the tank.

3.Press the "On/Off" power button. Wait for the "1-cup" and "2-cups" lights to glow green.

4.Push and hold the "Rinse and Decalcification" button under the "Decalcification Warning" light for at least five seconds. If your machine is working correctly, the light stops flashing and glows steadily and the "1-cup" and "2-cups" lights turn off.

5.Grasp the "Steam" knob and turn it left halfway for the cycle to begin. The solution runs through the tube and out the frother in spurts as the cycle runs.



タンクにDuraGol Descalerをボトル1本分加えます。




itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

6.Return the "Steam" knob to its original position when the "Water Empty/Missing" light turns on.

7.Dispose of the solution when the cycle ends. Rinse the container thoroughly. Return it to its spot under the frother.

8.Remove the water tank. Rinse it thoroughly with hot water. Refill it with fresh water and return it to the machine.

9.Turn the "Steam" knob left halfway. Wait for the machine to heat the water and cycle it through the tube into the container. The "Decalcification Warning" light will turn off. Return the "Steam" knob to its original position.

10.Discard the water in the container. Refill the water tank. Brew your beverages as desired.


6."Water Empty/Missing"ライトが点灯したら、"スチーム"のつまみを元の位置に戻します。





itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

New rumor points to fingerprint sensor,NFC e-wallet in Apple's next iPhone

A new report out of China claims that Apple has contracted with Taiwan's Chipbond Science and Technology to build fingerprint sensors into its next-generation iPhone.

The details were reported on Monday by China Times,which claimed that the so-called "iPhone 5S" will include both a fingerprint sensor and a near-field communications chip for mobile payments.The two items are expected to work in concert with one another,allowing users to easily authorize a transaction with their fingerprint.

Apple reportedly began stocking components for the iPhone 5S during the second quarter.The device is expected to launch in mid-to-late 2013.


新たな噂は、Appleの次期iPhoneで指紋センサー、NFC e-ウォレットを指摘

中国の新しいレポートは、Appleが次世代iPhoneに指紋センサーを組み込むために台湾のChipbond Science and Technology社と契約したと主張しています。

詳細は、月曜日に中国時報でレポートされました。いわゆる "iPhoneの5S"は、指紋センサーおよびモバイル決済のための近距離無線通信チップの両方が含まれていると主張しています。その2つのアイテムは互いに連携して、ユーザーが簡単に自分の指紋で取引を承認することができるように動作することが期待されています。

伝えられるところによれば、AppleはiPhone 5S用のコンポーネントを第2四半期中に仕入れ始めました。iPhone 5Sは、2013年の半ばから後半に発売を期待されています。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

The details reported on Monday align with what was previously claimed by analyst Ming-chi Kuo of KGI Securities,who has a reliable track record in predicting Apple's future product pipeline.Kuo believes the new iPhone 5S will launch sometime in June or July with the same aesthetic as the iPhone 5,but with the addition of a built-in fingerprint sensor,along with an improved camera and more powerful A7 system on a chip.

According to Kuo,the fingerprint sensor will reside under the home button on the device.Users will simply place their thumb over the button when prompted,and the identity of the user can be verified for various tasks such as entering passwords or authorizing purchases.


月曜日に報告された詳細は、KGI証券のアナリストMing-chi Kuo氏の以前の主張と合致します。彼は、Appleの将来の製品供給を予測する上で信頼性の高い実績を持っています。Kuo氏は、新しいiPhone 5Sは、6月または7月にiPhone 5と同じ見た目だが、改良されたカメラとより強力なA7システムと共に指紋センサーをチップに組み込んで発売されるだろうと信じています。


itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

The first signs of a potential fingerprint scanner in future devices appeared last year when it was revealed that Apple had bought security firm AuthenTec.The $356 million acquisition was reportedly focused on the company's "Smart Sensor" component,which measures just 1.30 millimeters thick but can scan 500 pixels per inch.

As for the possibility of an NFC e-wallet in the next iPhone,Apple set the stage for such a move last year with the debut of Passbook in iOS 6.But in launching Passbook,Apple decided to eschew NFC payments,due in part to the need for mobile payment terminals at stores for such a system to work.



次のiPhoneでのNFC e-ウォレットの可能性に関しては、Appleは昨年、iOS 6のPassbookの公開で、このような動きのための準備をしました。しかし、Passbook開始の際に、AppleはNFCの支払いを避けることにしました。そのようなシステムが動作するためには、店舗でモバイル決済端末が必要となるためです。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

YTG is proud to announce a bonus class for the Winter semester: A two-week theatrical movement class at a special price. Returning students and students currently enrolled in other classes pay only 1500 Yen per class. New students pay 2000.

Instructor RTG will be teaching a two week course on movement for actors. RTG's teaching is heavily influenced by the "Viewpoints" technique, developed in the 1970s and 1980s by BBB. This type of movement work will be new to most actors, and RTG's two week class aims to provide an introduction. Beginners and more advanced students are welcome!

(for map and directions ::CLICK HERE::)



(地図と道順:: ここをクリックしてください::)

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

During banner creation (in any tool for making flash banners) you didn't add the ability of being clickable. Please, add this code to the flash banner's source code (.fla file):

sometimes this doesn't work and the target location has to be opened in a new tab/window. Use this modification:

In some cases adding allowscriptaccess="always" into generated flash banner code also helps.
Also there is an option to add this allowscriptaccess="always" automatically to all flash banners in the future. All you need to do is go to configuration> Banners & Links Formats> Flash banner format and add this code into the template:





itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Additionally, the Chinese publication said Renesas Electronics will produce the device's LCD drivers, while NAND flash memory will be sourced from Toshiba, Elpida, Micron Technology, SK Hynix and SanDisk.

Rumors of a Snapdragon-based iPhone first arose in January, with the firm's dual-core and quad-core SoCs cited as possible candidates for the as-yet-unannounced handset.

Most recently, well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicted that Apple would introduce a low-cost iPhone boasting a hybrid fiberglass/plastic case this summer alongside the next-generation "iPhone 5S," though no mention was made of a platform switch.




最近では、広い人脈を持ったアナリストのMing-Chi Kuo氏は、プラットフォームの変更には何も言及しなかったものの、Appleはこの夏、次世代"iPhone 5S"と同時に、ファイバーグラス/プラスチックのハイブリッドケースを自慢する低コストのiPhoneを導入するだろうと予測した。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

The report also speculates that Intel's replacement for CEO Paul Otellini, who plans to retire in May, may further diversify the company's contract operations in a bid to keep manufacturing facilities working at full capacity.

As for Apple, a move to Intel is easier to imagine, as the Mac lineup already runs on x86 processors. It has also been rumored that the company wants to distance itself from current A-series SoC manufacturer Samsung, with which it is ensnarled in a worldwide patent struggle. The Korean electronics giant is also Apple's biggest competition in the mobile marketplace, with a variety of Android-based devices going jockeying for position against iOS products like the iPhone and iPad.


報告書はまた、5月に引退予定の同社CEOのPaul Otellini氏の交代が製造設備のフル稼働の維持を目指して、契約作業を多様化するかもしれないと推測している。


itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Zero Halliburton’s Early History
In 1938, Erle P. Halliburton, a globetrotting businessman, commissioned a team of aircraft engineers to build him cases that could withstand the rough terrain of the Texas oilfields in the back of his truck. The original aluminum case was born, becoming the very definition of protection and ruggedness in business and travel cases. Every effort has been made to ensure that only the finest material, the most advanced techniques, and the most precise crafting are employed to make each and every case. That heritage continues today.

In 1952, Mr. Halliburton sold his travel case division to a metal fabrication company called Zero Corporation.


