Em (huihuimelon) Translations

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Over 6 years ago Female 30s
Japanese (Native) English
technology Manuals Electronics Machinery Contracts
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
huihuimelon English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

None MCLaren has ever been made with this quality and perfection.
From the photos you can see the carbon decals used to assemble a single model, even 164 all-manual operations just to replicate the carbon.
Do you want a collectible model with top of quality, your MCLaren to put in the center of your window?
We have one.
Models all replicated with original colors, in limited edition.
Packaged with leatherette base with different colored seams.
A detail? No, quality and the pursuit of perfection.

About 1/18 ACM Lamborghini Aventador (Customer special build version) this model was already sell out and stop build that. Because difficult build that.



1/18 ACM ランボルギーニAventadorについて (お客様向けスペシャル版) このモデルはすでに完売し製造中止されています。組み立てがとても難解なためです。

huihuimelon English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Staff investment
Instituting such technology-led change is nothing without the right staff. French’s response has been to get a lower but higher calibre headcount. The consumer digital team has 12 staff and French aims to build that to 24.

“We’re very lean, and working hard to deliver outcomes. We had to bring talent in to show throughput and benefit the investment could deliver to the business,” French said.

Key staff attributes included tenacity and a doggedness to not give up. “Change is so hard to drive…That meant strong personalities and communicators who are very articulate, and who can tailor the conversation. The second skill was people who also have technical depth.


テクノロジー先行の革新を設けるためには適切な従業員を配置することなしにはいきません。 Frenchの使命は人員を増やすことなく、より強固な人員構成にしていくことでした。消費デジタルチームは12人の従業員がいましたがFrenchはこの人員を持ってして24人分のマンパワーの構築を狙いました。



huihuimelon English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

“The third was people wanting to drive a true transformation agenda who could see this as an opportunity to do all these things. It’s been the only way to counter the lack of brand position Vocus has.”

Measuring success
To showcase success, a number of digital metrics laddering up to KPIs are being employed. Key ones include boosting digital registrations, digitally active users, conversion rates online and customer satisfaction.

Already, French said Dodo’s digital services interactions have risen from 8-9 per cent six months ago to 16 per cent. “All our digital marketing leads are still going to lead capture forms, so any growth has just been through delivering better CX.” he said.





huihuimelon English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

“I was enemy number one for about three months; now I’m moving towards golden child, though who knows, that may change.”

Kicking off a digital transformation
It was clear to French three things should be tackled. The first was removing the brand’s “cheap and tacky feel”, something he’s working to address with Vocus GM of sales and marketing, Andrew Wynne.

In August, the company launched new branding and an above-the-line campaign in partnership with Deloitte Digital. The cartoon bird has been replaced by a CGI rendered one, the ‘Internet that flies’ jingle is gone, and the TV campaign centres around the statement, ‘We are not as stupid as we look’.



Frenchがこの三点に立ち向かわなくてはならないことは明らかでした。一に「安いがダサい感じ」というブランドイメージを払拭する事で、Vocus セールス&マーケティングゼネラルマネジャーAndrew Wynneとともに取り組みました。

8月には会社は新たなブランドを封切りし、Deloitte Digitalとのパートナシップにのっとりメディアを利用しての広告キャンペーンを打ち出しました。あの鳥のキャラクターはコンピューターグラフィックを使用したものに代わり、「インターネットで飛んでいく」というサウンドロゴはなくし、テレビでのキャンペーンは、この“我々は見た目より愚かではない”というこの主張に重きが置かれました。