hiromasu Translations

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About 10 years ago Male 20s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hiromasu English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

A terrorist group commits acts of violence to -
・Produce widespread fear
・Obtain worldwide, national, or local recognition for their cause by attracting the attention of the media
・Harass, weaken, or embarrass government security forces so that the government overreacts and appears repressive
・Steal or extort money and equipment, especially weapons and ammunition vital to the operation of their group
・Destroy facilities or disrupt lines of communication in order to create doubt that the government can provide for and protect its citizens
・Discourage foreign investments, tourism, or assistance programs that can affect the target country’s economy and support of the government in power


・ 広範囲に及ぶ恐怖心を生み出す
・ メディアの注目を引きつけることによって、世界規模、国家規模または地方規模でグループの大義を知らしめる
・ 政府公安部隊に迷惑行為を行い、その力を弱め、辱めることによって、政府が過剰な反応を示したり、抑圧的になるように仕向ける
・ 金銭や装備品、特に武器類や弾丸など、グループの活動に重要な物資を盗んだり、ゆすり取る
・ 政府が市民を養い守ることができるのかという疑問を煽るために、施設を破壊したり、連絡線を遮断する
・ 海外投資や旅行客、支援プログラムを遠ざけることによって、ターゲットとなる国の経済や現政府への支持へ悪影響を及ぼす

hiromasu English → Japanese
Original Text

Can you cancel my payment and refund ? I read the bag condition and it is C which is not what I am looking for. Also, if u can not do it I will have my bank deny the payment as well.

Can i have this item instead plus the strap of the one i just won and paid? That would be awesome

Please refund and do not send the item. I think "C" condition for a bag is not what I am looking for. You only have one pic and therefore i do not see what it looks like.

Hi i just checked the condition of this item and they are on C conditin that i didnt read. Is it possible to cancel this order and get a refund or can I have this item instead plus the strap and no need for a refund ? Please let me know.






hiromasu English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

But rather than focus on fitness, Sona is geared toward understanding stress levels and regulating a person’s autonomic nervous system, which controls breathing, heart rate, and a person’s fight or flight response. To do that, Sona measures heart rate variability, or the difference in timing between heartbeats.

Heart rate variability is mostly frequently used by athletes to help them determine how well they’re able to recover from activity and whether their body is overstressed and therefore not in a good position to work out. It also was an early metric for monitoring astronauts health in space.




hiromasu English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Mikhnenko recalled a recent trip to China, “It was interesting, because we were touring factories in China three months ago, and we were running the demo for [the Atmotube] to this one group. And the air quality inside the room was pretty bad. So they were like, ‘Ok! Let me open the window.’ And the air quality immediately dropped! So it was like … ‘OK … Let me just close this back up.'”

Things aren’t necessarily that much better in the U.S. Especially inside cars. “In cars it is interesting,” said Kozyr: “We find that when we’re in traffic, and we have the windows open, the air quality goes down! When you close the windows and turn on the air conditioning, it slightly goes up.”




hiromasu English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

And access to this kind of real-time data has made a significant change in how Mikhnenko lives his life, “Now, with this thing, I’ve changed my behavior a lot. I open the windows in my apartment much more often. I close the windows in my car. I actually stopped biking in the city because it was unhealthier than just sitting in the car … although you wind up with other health problems sitting for long periods of time, but still.”

“And I got annoyed,” Mikhnenko explained, “because this [Atmotube] got me thinking about how, right now, these cars outside are slowly killing us. Because they emit carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. And these elements are deadly, and no one cares.”




hiromasu English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Young’s concept is not entirely unique, though it’s certainly a first in China’s congested city centers. Alesca Life produces shipping containers that are modified with hydroponic systems, designed to house more produce per square meter than any other method. The systems are pesticide and herbicide free, and are almost wholly run on software, meaning each container requires no more than two hours of labour to maintain each week.

“Using Alesca Life’s solution, plants grow faster with the highest quality and freshness,” says Young. “Combining hydroponic cultivation techniques and advanced software management, it is also dramatically more water and land efficient than traditional field methods.”


Young氏が抱くコンセプトは全くもってユニークであるというわけではないが、中国の人口過密な都市部における初めての取り組みであることは確かである。Alesca Lifeは船用コンテナに水耕システムを備え付けた容器を生産しており、他のいかなる方法と比べて、1平方メートル当たりより多くの農産物を育てることができる。このシステムは殺虫剤や除草剤を使用せず、ほとんどがソフトウェアにより管理されている。つまりそれぞれのコンテナは1週間につき2時間だけ手入れをすれば十分なのだ。

「Alesca Lifeの手法を用いると、高品質の植物をより早く育てることができるのです。」とYoung氏は言う。「水耕技術と先端のソフトウェアによる管理を組み合わせることにより、水と土地の利用効率が従来の畑での栽培と比べて圧倒的に高いのです。」

hiromasu English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Like other hydroponic systems, the shipping containers rely on LED lights and nutrient solutions. They are stacked in layers to maximize space.

“Nowadays, we see global climate change induced droughts, flooding and rising seas, leading to food insecurity. Increasing populations and crowded cities also exacerbate food security issues,” says Young.

While China’s overcrowded cities are a major driver for urban farming, Alesca life is also finding its customers in the country’s increasingly health-conscious growing middle class. “It’s safer because it doesn’t require using any pesticides and harmful chemicals,” says Young. “It’s not artificial all.”




中国の超人口過密都市の存在は、都市農業の主要な駆動力となっていると同時に、Alesca lifeは健康志向に向かっている中流階級市民の顧客も獲得している。「この手法は殺虫剤や有毒の化学物質を使う必要が無いのでより安全なのです。」とYoung氏は言う。「人工物を全く使わないのです。」

hiromasu English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The company’s high level of software integration has made it an ideal candidate for direct-to-consumer sales. In a concept video [below], the company shows how urban professionals could potentially order a pesticide-free salad from a shipping container located in Beijing’s busy urban center.

Currently, the company sells containers to businesses including hotels and restaurants. The team has also designed a ‘Sprout’ automation system, a smart connected device enabling famers to grow most kinds of leafy green vegetables such as kale, lettuce and fruit vegetables like tomatoes, strawberries, and cucumbers.




hiromasu English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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“There are very few startups that are doing the predictive part — primarily because there is a very high barrier to entry. It requires a certain level of skill set, which is why you see way less competition in our domain,” and he notes that most of their competition is based in the US or Europe.

Based on its website (see below screenshot), 500 Startups is apparently an investor in PlusMargin. When asked, Shetty says that other investors have participated in their seed round and that more details are coming in.

Alongside Co-founder Melverick Ng, who was a software consultant at SAP prior to joining PlusMargin, Shetty is also flanked by two talented developers.



PlusMarginのウェブサイト(下のスクリーンショットを参照)を見ると、500 StartupsがPlusMarginへ投資していることがはっきりと見て取れる。他の投資家たちもシードラウンドに参加しており、さらなる詳細情報も入ってきているとShetty氏は我々に答えた。

PlusMarginへ移る以前にSAPでソフトウェアコンサルタントとして働いていた共同創設者であるMelverick Ng氏と並び、Shetty氏は2人の有能な開発者を両脇に抱えている。