hiro_hiro Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hiro_hiro English → Japanese
Original Text

just wondering if you got my previous email. Hope you are fine.

There are some outstanding things to settle. I need Shinsei Bank's address and the SWIFT CODE to transfer the money to you.

When can I send your boxes over to you? They are in the storeroom and I can only store it till middle of March.

I cannot find buyers for fridge, washing machine and TV. Will try to put on the internet again but the price is not good. Electrical appliances prices drop very fast.

I will send you the translated documents as soon as I get them.

Please contact me soon when you are free.










hiro_hiro English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

"In a world where everyone has access to everything, is there still a need for advertising agencies?" to which i'd answer, yes.

smart agencies understand how people think about themselves and products, and are able to provide that smart thinking to companies that are focused on making products.

that's what's been around since there were ceasers in rome, and what will be around when the aliens enslave us all...




ceasersはcaesersのことでしょう。caeserの複数形で、皇帝とか専制君主とかいう意味で、sが付いているのでローマ皇帝”達”みたいな感じだろうと思います。複数形でない場合はジュリアス・シーザーJulius Caesar(ローマ皇帝のうちのひとり)のことになるかもしれませんが。

thatは「smart agencies understand how people think about themselves and products, and are able to provide that smart thinking to companies that are focused on making products. 」全てを指します。



hiro_hiro English → Japanese
Original Text

Having looked into this matter, we found that compared to 2009, the Port to
port transit time Southampton/Tokyo has been 35 days for a long time instead
of 30 days previously.plus the vessel departure day is scheduled for a Wednesday but regularlyslips to Friday or Saturday but this was happening then as well even though this is 8 or 9 days adding to the lead time straightaway.The main factor of the increased lead time is, we would like to conclude,the longer port to port transit time as the shipping companies slow the transit time for a maximum profit for them.Hope this will help to explain the situation.

