Thank you for contacting us about an appointment.We are available from 10:00 to 14:00 or from 17:00 to19:00 on August 20th. On the other hand, we will welcome you from 16:00 to 18:00 on August 21st. Which would be the best for you? Also, I would like to know how many people will come with you on the day. I am sorry I take away your time, but I am looking forward to having your reply.
般若心経 マグカップ容量:180ml 直径約8cm×高さ約9cm瀬戸焼<生産国> 日本日本製 般若心経 絵心経 タオル
Hannyashingyo Mug Volume: 180 ml, Diameter: about 8 cm and Height: about 9 cmSetoyaki Country of origin: Japan Made in Japan, Hannyashingyo Eshingyo towel
月が綺麗な湖のほとりで 吹きガラスの手法を使い 美しい自然にインスパイアされ生まれる無色透明なガラスと 金属との対話。usapiは「月とガラス」をテーマに ジュエリーデザーナーと吹きガラス作家の二人のユニットで活動するジュエリーブランドです。
A colorless and clear dialogue between glass and metal. You can find the beautiful moon in the lakeside. There, the method of a glassblowing and inspiring, beautiful nature make it possible to have this dialogue.Based on the theme of "the moon and glass," a jewelry designer and glassblowing artist collaborate as a unit. usapi is such a distinctive jewelry brand.