LIN YONG (hayashitranslin) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Male 60s
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) Japanese Chinese (Traditional) English
Machinery technology
60 hours / week
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hayashitranslin Japanese → English
Original Text

使用方法は、電気伝導度(IACS単位 %)が既知の基準片(2枚有り)でメータを較正し、未知の材料の電気伝導度を基準パイプと比較測定し材質の判別を行う。



This instrument utilizes that there is a difference for each electrical conductivity by nonmagnetic metal materials and is the measuring instrument for detection to metal materials and measure the difference by pressing the detection probes (contact terminals) to the metallic material.
Electrical conductivity (International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) unit %) is to calibrate a meter at the known reference pieces (there are two pieces), and compare the electric conductivity of unknown materials with the reference pipe and measure, and the usage distinguishes materials.

Attached reference plate (a value of 35.0) was matched a needle with scale 35.0 of the metal checker; If another reference piece (a value of 59.5) was measured and the needle points at scale 59.5, the instrument is normal.