haru Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
haru English → Japanese
Original Text

Dont know what you talking about the item was new, with original protectives films, item New, and clean, are you sure they did/t change it on your way

this perosn is crazy the item was new and as described, this person wants to take advantage of paypal and me

I would take the iphone back as long as it is the same condition I sent it

why this guy claim this stupid issues two weeks after receiving the item, wich is new and in new condition, and stayed on ebay not on original box

Just sold an used on yesterday and described it as used and sold it for more 660, don't know what this guy wants this iphone in the original box would sell for about 800 900 or even a 1000 on ebay,







haru English → Japanese
Original Text

Alex, 31 years old, Art designer, a visual DJ that blends art into interior design. A glittering rainbow of influences, from Andy Warhol’s Pop Art to the fluid and shimmery modernity of the hi-tech, gently caressing feminine sensuality and harmoniously blending t with 3D hypnotic plasticity. That’s exactly how he portrays the world. When still actively working in Milan, Alex always dreamt of cities like Miami, New York, Los Angeles, …and today, in 2010, he is reaching his targets, one by one, starting from a sunny and eclectic lady, Mrs. Miami. I never played soccer like most of my friends did when I was a kid, my father was an amazing photographer, painter and graphic designer photographs


アレックス 31歳 アートデザイナー ヴィジュアルDJとしてインテリアデザインにアートを融合させる。 アンディ ウォーホルのポップアートからその流れとハイテクでソフトな官能的な女性のタッチと3Dの魔法にかかったような可塑性のきらきらした近代性の影響を受けたきらびやかな虹。まさにこれが彼の世の中の描写の仕方だ。まだミラノで精力的に活動していたとき、アレックスはいつもマイアミやニューヨークやロサンゼルスのような都市を夢見ていた。そして2010年の現在、彼は快活で折衷的な女性ミセス マイアミから始まり一歩一歩目標に近づいている。子供の頃ほとんどの友達がしていたようにサッカーをしたことがなく、父は素晴らしい写真家で画家で写真のグラフィックデザイナーだった。

haru English → Japanese
Original Text

As Tunisia struggles to move past the rioting,
looting and score-settling that has marked the political
transition, there was a growing sense Tuesday that it will
be difficult for the interim government to hold together
and pave the way toward elections expected within six to
seven months.

After the initial exhilaration of last week,
when a populist uprising ousted President Zine El Abidine
Ben Ali after 23 years in power and sent him fleeing to
Saudi Arabia -- sounding a warning bell for other political
strongmen in the region -- many are fretting about what
it ultimately meant. Collected here are images of the turmoil
in Tunisia over the past couple of weeks.



先週の最初の盛り上がりの後、23年に及んだ権力の後に大統領ザイン・アルアービディーン・ベン アリが追放されサウジアラビアへと逃亡に追い込んだ人民主義者の蜂起は、他の地域の有力者に警告の鐘を鳴らし、多くは最後にそれが意味することにざわめきたった。

haru English → Japanese
Original Text

“The cooperation is based on optimism about the economic prospects for China, as well as the common investment philosophy between P.F.I. and Fosun,” said Mark B. Grier, a vice chairman at Prudential, referring to the company by its initials.
“We trust in Fosun’s investment ability, industrial base and understanding of local markets,” Mr. Grier said during his visit to China. “As one of P.F.I.’s most important strategic partners, Fosun will play a key role in P.F.I.’s China strategy and business development in the future.”
Fosun’s interests are widespread, including pharmaceuticals, real estate, mining and retail. In June, it moved to buy a 7.1 percent stake in Club Med.


「その協力はP.F.I.とFosunの共通の投資哲学と同様に、中国経済への楽観的な見通しに基づいている。」とプルデンシャルの副会長マーク B グリアー氏は頭文字を使い企業を引き合いに出して述べた。

haru English → Japanese
Original Text

Susep has continued its year-end spree of rule updates, adding new changes to the local reinsurance market, as well as making changes to so-called capitalizacao savings bond sellers and publishing a 2011-15 strategic planning document.
Susep said in a filing that local reinsurers - those under the strictest regulatory regime and with the greatest ability to sell reinsurance in Brazil - would have to review the criteria by which they record their premiums and perhaps change the way they set aside capital accordingly.
The move follows more controversial ones in the segment, in which Susep decided to rework the 40% right of first refusal guaranteed to local reinsurers until end-2010.

