Notice of Conyac Termination

haiksia Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
haiksia English → Japanese
Original Text

Didi-Kuaidi Launch Carpooling App To Challenge People’s Uber

Just a few days after receiving US$142 million in funding from Weibo, China’s dominant taxi app company coalition Didi-Kuaidi is making further headlines with the launch of a carpooling service ‘Didi Shun Feng Che’. The feature will be added to Didi Dache’s app, aiming to curb traffic gridlock in China’s cities.
By leveraging Didi-Kuaidi’s big data and advanced matching techniques, the service will calculate routes and match car owners and passengers for carpooling. Car owners can set up default routes, while passengers provide the locations of departure and arrival and the service will automatically find matches.


Didi-KuaidiはPeople's Uberに対抗する相乗りアプリを発売予定

Weiboからの1億4200万米ドルの出資を受けた数日後、中国の主要タクシーアプリ企業連合Didi-Kuaidiは、「Didi Shun Feng Che」という相乗りサービスを立ち上げる予定として、さらなる大ニュースとなっている。Didi Dacheのアプリには、中国の都市部で起こる交通渋滞に歯止めをかける機能が盛り込まれる予定だ。Didi-Kuaidiのビッグデータと最新のマッチングテクノロジーを活用することで、本サービスがルートを計算し、自動車の所有者と相乗りの乗客をマッチングする。乗客が出発地と目的地を知らせる一方で、自動車の所有者も既定のルートを登録することもでき、本サービスが自動的に一致した相手を見つけ出す。

haiksia English → Japanese
Original Text

Last year, the government reiterated that it was illegal to run for-profit ride-sharing services in China, restricting for-profit rides to accredited drivers only. In reaction, Uber launched its People’s Uber pilot program, which allows public ride sharing so long as the price only covers the actual cost of the ride, without a profit margin.
Likewise, the cost of the new Kuaidi Didi project will also cut out profit margin in accordance with the law, and a standard ride fee will cost between 5-10 yuan (US$0.80-1.60) with an additional 1 yuan ($0.16) added per kilometer. The standard fee for the profit-driven taxi model in Beijing is 13 yuan.


昨年政府は、中国での営利目的の相乗りサービスは違法であると繰り返し述べ、営利目的の送迎を、認可を受けたドライバーのみに制限した。これを受けてUberは、People's Uberと呼ばれる試験的なプログラムを立ち上げた。このプログラムは、料金が実際の送迎にかかる費用のみで利益幅を出さない限り、市民による相乗りを許可するというものである。
今回のKuaidi Didiプロジェクトの費用も同様に、法律に従って利益幅を除外する予定である。また、一般的な乗車料金は5-10元(0.80-1.60米ドル)となり、1キロごとに1元(

haiksia English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

As you can see, a number of constructs that are legal in standard syntax have been changed to comply with XML syntax:

The taglib directives have been removed. Tag libraries are now declared using XML namespaces, as shown in the html element.

The img and input tags did not have matching end tags and have been made XML-compliant by the addition of a / to the start tag.

The > symbol in the EL expression has been replaced with gt.

The include directive has been changed to the XML-compliant jsp:directive.include tag.

With only these few small changes, when you save the file with a .jspx extension, this page is a JSP document.




imgとinput は、対になる終了タグを持たず、開始タグに a/ を付け加える形でXML準拠となった。

EL式における > の記号は、gtに置き換えられた。

includeディレクティブはXML準拠のjspに変わり、directive,include.tag となった。

これらのわずかな変更と、.jspx の拡張子でファイルを保存するだけで、このページはJSPの文書となる。

haiksia English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

In order to use DHgate better , we would like to introduce DHgate to you first , DHgate is a platform for merchant and customer , we do not sell items nor ship items , merchants list items on our website and merchants buy them on our website .

You could buy from us and resell. We also could provide drop shipping. If you want to buy from us, we suggest you confirm the item you want first, and then you could place the order. You can ask your merchant for full details before clicking “Add to cart”

For different items from different merchants, you could contact with the merchant to ask for more product information.





haiksia English → Japanese
Original Text


We sell only to US addresses. If you have an established google checkout account or paypal account, you can buy from us. Our credit cards processors wont allow abroad transactions. If you can let usknow the product and quantity, we can give you quote and modify pricing.


Masaaki Sando,

Thank you for your email. We sell to many companies in Japan. We would like the opportunity to sell your company. We can ship to your freight forwarder company in Florida. Please let us know which products you are interested in buying?






サンドウ マサアキ 様



haiksia English → Japanese
Original Text

There are cohesion inside of liquid or and biological organization. Inside of the low density fat cells, the cohesiveness of the molecular is weaker.
The low negative pressure which is produce by 40 K sound waves will produce organization gap which is called "cavitation phenomenon" in physics.
The implosion of inside and outside of the cells will enhanced the molecular motion and achieve a high energy level, and eventually led to the bursting of the fat cells.

40K cavitation operation procedure
Click “STRONG SOUND WAVE SYSTEM” enter the operation interface.

1. System default working time is 20 minutes, time range is 0:00~60:00 minutes, press one time to change one minute.



「STRONG SOUND WAVE SYSTEM」をクリックし、操作用インターフェースを入力。

1, デフォルトの動作時間は20分です。時間の設定範囲は0:00~60:00分です。1度ボタンを押すと1分変更できます。

haiksia English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The former type examines network packets in the network while the latter one monitors the system configuration and application activities on a single host system.

Improper configuration and use of these tools may disclose information to attackers and result in a false sense of security.

• IDS/IPS tools should be used to identify suspicious activities on both the network and the host machines, in particular the web server and the mail server.

• Automatic generation of notifications or alerts by electronic messages or mobile paging should be set up to warn system administrators when symptoms of attacks are detected.






haiksia English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

For information about starting a business partnership with Target, check out our Property Development website at

Just click the Procurement Information link on the page–there's no need to sign in first. Near the bottom of Procurement Information page, you should find the Vendor Profile and Reference Form. Click the link to complete the form and send it in.

Because a lot of vendors want to be part of Target, we can't accept or forward e-mails. But you can still look into starting a business partnership with Target. Just call our Sourcing Information Center at (612) 696-7500. The automated menu will guide you through the steps for submitting information about your company.


Target社との事業提携について詳しい情報をお求めの方は、当社Property Developmentのホームページを御覧ください。

