greene Translations

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Over 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
greene English → Japanese
Original Text

“Before Kickstarter, we were doing a lot of pre-sales for Flamestower on the website. We would store the payment information and would not charge buyers until the unit was shipped,” said Kell, who was named one of Forbe’s 2014 ‘30 under 30’ for his invention. “There was a lot of traffic from that.”

“We decided to try and put the project on Kickstarter and get some viewers we couldn’t get before, traffic that was not driven to our website.”

Kell’s decision was a good one. At the end of the campaign, backers pledged over $60,000 for Flamestower, exceeding the campaign’s target fourfold.





greene English → Japanese
Original Text

Flamestower and Roadie Tuner are just two successful hardware projects among a wealth of wildly popular crowdfunding campaigns. In 2012, Pebble Technology famously raised over $10 million from nearly 69 thousand backers for its eponymous smartwatch. This year, the company launched another campaign on Kickstarter for its new generation smartwatch – Pebble Time, raising over $20 million.

Other examples include Oculus Rift, a virtual reality headset for video games invented by then 20 year-old Palmer Luckey. The device was dubbed as a breakthrough for the industry and over $2.4 million was raised on the Kickstarter platform. Subsequently, Oculus Rift was acquired by Facebook for $2 billion dollars.


FlamestowerとRoadie Tunerは大人気のクラウドファンディングで多数あるキャンペーンのうちのハードウェアの成功例の2件にすぎない。2012年のPebble Technologyの有名な事例では、自身の名前の由来となったスマートウォッチに対し6万9千名近い支援者から1千万米ドルを超える資金を集めた。今年には、同社はKickstarterに新たにキャンペーンをローンチし、新世代スマートウォッチのPebble Time向けに2千万米ドルを超える資金を集めた。

他の例では、当時20歳だったPalmer Luckey氏が発明したビデオゲーム用仮想現実ヘッドセットのOculus Riftがある。この装置は業界の革新と呼ばれ、240万米ドルをKickstarterのプラットフォームで集めた。その後、Oculus Riftは20億米ドルでFacebookによって買収された。

greene English → Japanese
Original Text

How it works
Infrared thermometer measure the surface temperature of an object.The units optical system sense the object's emitted energy with different wavelength.It is collected and focus onto a detector .The unit's electronics system translated the information into a temperature reading which is displayed on the unit.

Do not point laser directly at eye or in-directly off reflective surface.

When taking measurement,points thermometer toward the object to be measured and hold the yellow trigger .the object under measuring should be larger than the spot size calculated by the field of view diagram.

Distance & spot size:As the distance from the object increase,the spot size of measuring area becomes larger





距離とスポットサイズ: 測定対象との距離が大きくなるにつれて、測定するエリアのスポットサイズは大きくなります。

greene English → Japanese
Original Text

But I was never in to creating the Cl Company just to create a company and leave – there is no exit strategy. I was sat on an awards panel recently where competitors were talking about growing a business for four years and then flipping it – that's not something I could do, I couldn't turn my back on the people who work for me.
After all, where else could I bring my dog to work? I can't see me leaving this.
I've also just completed a deal with Disney for Mickey Mouse satchels, which are so cute. There's be more projects to come hopefully.


しかし、私はCI Companyの設立には関与しませんでした。なぜならただ会社を作って離れることになるのが分かっていたからです。CI Companyの戦略にはエグジットシナリオがありませんでした。最近私はとあるアワードにパネルの一員として参加したのですが、事業が4年間成長を続けそして転覆してしまうような話を競合他社がしているのを聞きました。それは私には出来ることではありません。私は自分のもとで働いてくれる人達に背を向けることなどできません。

greene English → Japanese
Original Text

His startup CloudTime is a stealth-mode global messaging platform, streaming video, gaming and multi-language, real-time, in-stream chat message translation in over 90 bi-directional language pairs. It is now utilizing patent pending micro-chip based technology that will change the mobile advertising world and propel the company on its way to being the very foundation of the IoT on a global scale.

“The essence of Chengdu is ‘confluence.’ The city blends so many important factors together and does it so well, that it is hard to imagine a more suitable location for an entrepreneur. Urban and rural integration, tradition with modernity, business with leisure, industry with the environment and the list goes on.”


