greene Translations

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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
greene English → Japanese
Original Text

Hootsuite unveils Facebook ad tool ‘for human beings’

Social media platform Hootsuite, which has offered a Twitter ad tool only for its enterprise users, is today announcing a Facebook ad tool for its entire userbase of more than eleven million.

The new Hootsuite Ads tool is streamlined for adoption by almost anyone across an organization who wants to quickly run a Promoted Post.

To do so, a user simply selects an objective: reach more people, get more followers, drive engagement, or increase website traffic. The platform automatically recommends recent posts that have performed well for that metric and suggests parameters for such choices as budget, reach, and duration.


HootsuiteがFacebookの広告ツール「for human beings」を公開




greene English → Japanese
Original Text

Because of its simplification, the company is describing its Facebook tool as “the first ad solution for human beings.”

Human beings, of course, are a fairly large market segment, which is why Gunn describes this social ad tool for users who aren’t ad specialists as “a huge opportunity.”

It’s also potentially huge because of the platform’s popularity. According to VB Insight’s recent report on social media management tools, Hootsuite “is used by more than twice as many of our respondents as any other solution.”

Competitor platforms like Sprinklr, Gunn said, do not offer such a simple set of options, while point solutions like AdStage, Kuhcoon, and Qwaya are “really great solutions for full-time ad marketers.”




また、プラットフォームに人気があることも潜在機会が大きい理由だ。VB Insightのソーシャルメディア管理ツールに関する最近のレポートによれば、「Hootsuiteが「その他」との回答の2倍以上利用されていることがわかった」


greene English → Japanese
Original Text

“It is very easy to overestimate the short-term revenue potential of VR products,” he said. “Facebook and other giants have invested in this for the very long-term. They cannot afford to miss the shift away from physical interaction with screens to augmented reality, which could take a generation to be adapted by a mass audience.”

The short term potential is limited, and even when it happens, it’s likely to cannibalize PC and console revenues, Warman said. Newzoo predicts VR could take 10 percent — about $3 billion — of the entertainment screen revenues by 2018, a figure that agrees with estimates by U.K. analyst KZero.


