greene Translations

5.0 3 reviews
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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
greene English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Historical data is one of the most used sources for personalization — especially for service-dynamic, personalized web content or products. Search and on-site activity are most often used, although social activity is surprisingly high. Communication and transaction histories are high as well, as they entail clear indicators of interest.

Many companies calculate key metrics that are particularly important indicators of company health. Among these, loyalty and lifetime value (LTV) are particularly important for personalization, presumably to segment out those customers who are most valuable for remarketing campaigns.




greene English → Japanese
Original Text

Question 6: Should the founders keep the money or return it, as Maris has stated they should, according to a post on The New York Times “Bits” blog? Would the venture firms have given the founders a bonus comparable to the amount of their cash-out if, in lieu of failing, the company had grown exponentially instead, with through-the-roof valuations that let the VCs make a killing? If not, why should the founders return their money?

Question 7: Will the founders use that money to launch something new? The second time around, the founders would have the benefit of the greatest teacher of all — experience — to remind them of just what a recipe for disaster early VCs can be.


問6:創業者はお金を返すべきか否か?The New York Timesの“Bits”のブログによれば、Maris氏は返さなくて良いという立場をとる。事業が失敗せずに急速な成長を遂げ、天井を突き破るようなバリュエーションになりベンチャーキャピタルを大儲けさせた、、、ベンチャーキャピタルは手にしたお金に見合う報酬を払ってくれただろうか?もし答えがNoであれば、なぜ彼らにお金を返す必要があるだろうか?

問7: 創業者は次の新規事業の立ち上げにベンチャーキャピタルからの資金を使うか?2回目になると、創業者は優秀な教師の資質の全て即ち「経験」を手にしており、早い段階でベンチャーキャピタルからお金を借りるのは災難のもとであることを思い出すことであろう。