Yuko Onishi (goodtranslation) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago Female
Tokyo, Japan
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
goodtranslation English → Japanese
Original Text

How has IfWeRanTheWorld grown over the last few years since its launch 2 years ago?

It’s growing slowly – firstly, because we launched 2 years ago in beta as what the tech world calls ‘minimum viable product’, and we have been real-world testing and continuing to build simultaneously, essentially as an experiment, bootstrapping with a lean core team. Secondly, because I designed IfWeRanTheWorld as the marketing platform of the future, with a business model driven by the brand and business user proposition. For all the reasons I talked about in my keynote, when you are pitching a new world order platform to old world order-structured companies, it is a slow process.


立ち上げ後2年間で IfWeRanTheWorldはどうやって成長を遂げているでしょうか?


goodtranslation English → Japanese
Original Text

IfWeRanTheWorld is what I call ‘Emotional Software’ – the synthesis of technology and psychology. It’s the result of combining technical functionality with many layers of human psychological insight and emotional dynamics. We are setting out to make taking action sexy as hell, and to make ‘Action Branding’ – where you self-identify and self-express as ‘I am what I do/I am the sum of my actions’ – the new social and sexual attractiveness value. Both personal Action Branding for individuals, and corporate Action Branding for brands and businesses, shows your audience and the world that you have values and you act on them. You walk your talk.
Intervention Cindy Gallop MasterClass 15-11-11 by iabfrancetv



goodtranslation English → Japanese
Original Text

As you might expect, such an application doesn’t come cheap and this one is priced at $27.99. The developers note that they hope to have further additions to this app including veins and arteries. They also intend to create apps to illustrate the eating and swallowing process in the future as well.

If you’re a medical student, I imagine that DS Anatomy would certainly be worth the money. And if you’d like to try it our, it’s available right now in the app store.

In the past we have featured other iPad apps which are pushing the health 2.0 revolution forward. Readers may recall Dr. Kevin Lau’s ScolioTrack application, or our Startup Arena participant from back in February, Dr. Pad, from Taiwan.



医学生であれば、DS Anatomyは確かにお金を投資する価値がある。試してみられたい方は、アプリストアへ今すぐどうぞ。

過去にhealth 2.0 revolutionを前面に押し出した他のiPadアプリを記事に取り上げたことがあります。読者の方々もDr.Kevin氏のScolioTrackアプリケーションや去る2月のスタートアップアリーナ参加者で台湾出身のDr.Pad氏を思い起こされたことでしょう。