Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago Female
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I decided to develop a brand new series of color books, and it is called "Happy Together". This new title , besides its original meaning, also is a pun that can be written as " Happy To Get Her". I like this new title a lot.

This is the 1st project of the "Happy Together" series, and the story plot is based on the 8th episode of X, which is talking about the sequel stories happening about the " toothbrush play" between Y and his sister.

There is no Afterwords in this book, so I shall spare some spaces to talk about my future publication plans here. There's a lot of new book plans, such as 1, 2 , 3 etc... Hope doomsday won't happen at the end of this year, and we could meet very soon in "Happy Together 02" !


全く新しいカラーブックシリーズを開発することに決めました。その名前は「Happy Together」です。この新しいタイトルは、そのオリジナルの意味の他に、「Happy To Get Her」という駄洒落でもあります。私はこの新しいタイトルをとても気に入っています。

これはHappy Togetherシリーズの最初のプロジェクトで、ストーリー構成はYと彼の姉(妹)との間の「歯ブラシプレイ」について起きる連続ストーリーに関して語っているXの第8エピソードに基づいています。

この本には「その後」はありませんので、私の今後の出版計画について少しお話しておきたいと思います。新しい本の計画は1、2、3などたくさんあります。今年の末にこの世の終わりが来ないこと、そしてまた近いうちに「Happy Together 2」でお会いできることを祈ります!

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Ok i will put $395 per head on the invoice. Ok? At the moment I dont have any R11 3 wood but do have a RBZ tour issue 3 wood double stamp Tour 14.5 degrees with the Txxx tour stamp. Shaft is a Matrix Ozik 8M2 x flex. This is the rarest TM 3 wood as I only have seen only 1 so far. Let me know.

I received the payment in good order. What value did you want me to put on the invoice? $50 per head or $100 per head for tax purposes. Also, did you want the TaylorMade RBZ Tour 8 degrees? Let me know. Thanks

Yeah sorry man. I will try to get another one for you. Are you interested in picking up a couple more R11s V2?


OK、インボイス上ヘッド1つにつき$395にします。よろしいですか?今のところR11ウッドは私のところにありませんが、RBZツアー支給品3ウッドダブルスタンプツアー14.5度のTxxxツアースタンプ付きならあります。シャフトはMatrix Ozik 8M2 x フレックスです。これは最もレアなTM3ウッドで、私は今まで1つしか見たことがありません。お返事をお待ちします。

支払いは順調に受け取っています。インボイスに記載する価格はいくらをご希望ですか?税対策としては1ヘッドあたり$50か$100が良いでしょう。また、Taylormade RBZツアー8度はご入り用ではありませんか?お返事をお待ちします。よろしくお願いします。

ああ、すみません。あなたのために別のものを入手しようと思います。R11 V2をあといくつかご入り用ではありませんか?

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi I have some questions please confirm me how I will do your work?

1. Will I fill below these places? or no need fill up? Please confirm me.

Payment Description (Optional):
Shipping Description (Optional)
Return Policy Description (Optional):
About Us (Optional):

If I fill up which words I will give those places?

2.Duration 7 days right? Or I will use 30 days?

3.Handling time 3 days ok? Or I will use 5 days or 10 days?

4.For step 8, Will I use return policy? If I accept this which sentence I will use?

5. Important question: I will use standard for EMS ok?










gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Soldiers in Yemen somberly march in the National Day parade one day after a suicide bomber killed at least 96 troops.
In Syria, a bomb explodes in a Damascus restaurant, killing five people.
A train crash in southern India kills at least 25 and injures dozens more.
In Italy, firemen rescue art from churches hit by a strong earthquake in the Emilia-Romagna region.
In the US, a privately owned company launches a rocket on a mission to the International Space Station,...
...where no private company has ever gone before.
In Japan, Tokyo Skytree, the world's tallest broadcast tower and second tallest building, opens to the general public.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

You have just officially saved your new Advance Calibration Settings on your PC.
To load this file in the future. Click on File>Load>select the file name and click on Open. The same setting will appear, you can press “Send to Device” to upload the displayed setting to your EEC.

Tips to adjusting your Deadzone and Sensitivity via Advance Calibration
1. Adjust the Deadzones first before you adjust the Sensitivity within the Eagle Eye.
2. If you feel that you have to adjust the sensitivity of your mouse, tweak it as best as you can in-game, meaning tweak your game's sensitivity first. Then, use the EEC's sensitivity function to fine-tune your mouse movements.


今後ファイルを開くには、File>Load>の順にクリックしてファイル名を選択してクリックして開きます。同じ設定が表示されるので、“Send to Device(機器へ送る)”を押して表示された設定をEECにアップロードすることができます。

1.Eagle Eye内で感度を調整する前にデッドゾーンを調整します。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

This is recommended for more advance users, but it never hurts to try and learn.
Keys F1-F8 are reserved for Advance Calibration during in-game environment, thus they cannot be mapped to a controller button during key mapping. Please only press these buttons when performing an Advance Calibration. Please see below on how these keys are used.
F1: Enters 5 Point Deadzone tuning mode (range 1-100)
F2: Enters X-axis sensitivity tuning mode. (range 1-20)
F3: Enters Y-axis sensitivity tuning mode. (range 1-20)
F4: Enters Angle Correction. (range 1-20)
F5: Enters Rotation Speed Limit mode. (Range 1-127)
F6: Save settings on Eagle Eye. You could later save the setting on your PC via Advance Calibration Synchronization.


F6:Eagle Eyeでセッティングを保存。高度較正シンクロナイズを使ってPC上で後で設定を保存することもできます。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

F7: Reverts back to factory default calibration.
F8: Exits your current Calibration without saving.

The advance calibration function could be explained in four parts: DeadZone Neutralization, Sensitivity Adjustments, Mouse Movement Adjustment and Advance Calibration Synchronization.

I. Dead Zone Neutralization

The purpose of Deadzone Neutralization is to improve the smoothness of your mouse’s movement, and it is most apparent during micro-movement such as when you are zoomed in. Deadzone is something that is built in each game to a certain degree, but will cause a number of issues of your mouse movement, such as jagged edges, jumpy mouse movements.




I. デッドゾーン中性化


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

i.e. if you set it to Right Click, when you press Right Click, it will switch to your secondary settings, and will switch back to your primary settings when released.
We suggest you enter in the same mouse/keyboard key you use to aim down sight.
Step 7: After you have completed all of the empty fields available, press “Send to Device” button. You will be prompted to “Write to Keymap One” or “Write to Keymap Two”. Select the desired Keymapping memory slot you wish to upload the assigned Keymap to.

* You can store up to two sets of Key Mapping schemes on your Eagle Eye Converter.
You can physically switch between Key Map One and Key Map Two on your Eagle Eye Converter at any time during game play.


ステップ7:設定できるすべての空フィールドの設定が終わったら、"Send to Device(機器へ送る)"ボタンを押します。すると“Write to Keymap One(キーマップ1に書く)” or “Write to Keymap Two(キーマップ2に書く)”へ進みます。割り当てられたキーマップにアップロードしたいキーマッピングメモリースロットを選択します。

* Eagle Comverterには2セットのキーマッピングのスキームまで保存できます。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

* If you wish to save the completed key mapping scheme to your computer so you can easily retrieve it next time you wish to update your Eagle Eye Converter, click on File>Save As>, then name the file, select the directory and press SAVE.

*If you wish to load your saved key mapping scheme, click on File>Open>select the saved key mapping scheme and press OPEN.

C. Using Eagle Eye Converter

After you’ve successfully mapped your keyboard and mouse, follow these steps:
*** Note: Be sure that before you start playing, that you make sure that the turbo buttons on your Eagle Eye are switched off (switched away from the Turbo graphic).


* Eagle Eye Converterを次回アップデートしたいときにいつでも簡単に取り出せるように完了済みのキーマッピングのスキームをコンピュータに保存したい場合は、File>Save As>の順にクリックし、それからファイル名を入れ、ディレクトリを選び、SAVEを押します。

* 保存済みのキーマップのスキームをロードしたい場合は、File>Open>の順にクリックし、保存されたキーマッピングのスキームを選択してOPENを押します。

C. Eagle Eye Converterを使う

***注意:プレイを始める前に、Eagle Eyeのターボボタンがオフになっていることを確認してください(ターボグラフィックから切り替わります)