Thank you for your contact.I hope the extension problem will be solved and I would like to get it shipped to me for sure.Please inform me of the tracking numbers so that I can check it.Thank you.I would like to pay via Paypal if it is possible.If I can not, I will pay by check through the company in French.Please let me know the address for check.There is an agency company in France, please send the item to there.Last time when I bought another item, it was so great and I really appreciate it.I hope this time will be also great. Thank you.
I inform you of the reply from the company about your question.Regarding how to care, if the bedding(futon) gets partially dirty, please wipe with the a cloth, or wash the dirty part with your hands then dry completely. When you do the cleaning, please avoid the dry cleaning, and go to the laundry shop. ( the laundry machine being used at home can cause the item to be damaged, not recommended) I hope this is helpful.Please consider about this. Thank you.
Please take a look at the description of the item.I put the item as "silver 925" for the main material in the description.It is true that the claps is made of 18k-gold and, in fact this case would be not welcomed for getting returned. Even if this case went to be reported above, my claims was accepted and now you are responsible for paying the return fees. According to the E-bay buyer protection Policy, Seller should guarantee the price of item and the sending fee. However, I already refunded the price of item.
今回は返送料金までこちらで持つと言っています。何が不満ですか?早く追跡番号をつけてpriority mailで送って下さい。その後送料がわかるレシートの写真と追跡番号を教えて下さい。アメリカ国内から無事発送されたら送料を返金します。そもそもebayのポリシー上返品する場合は先にバイヤーが商品を発送することと記載されています。このまま商品を送ってこない場合はebayに詐欺の事例として報告します。よろしく。
However now, I will pay for even the shipping fee for return.I do not understand what you are not satisfied with.Please send the priority mail with the tracking numbers as soon as possible.I will return after it comes from USA.According to the policy, the buyer will be responsible for the shipping fee for return. If this item does not come back, I will report this as a case of fraud.Thank you.
このコードをメモしておいて下さい。そして、アマゾンUSAへ行きましょう。これがアマゾンUSAの最初の画面です。アマゾンの検索窓へ貴方に渡したASINコードを入力して下さい。商品が表示されると思います。文字または画像をクリックして下さい。The page of commodity will be shown. Please scroll down until the middle of the page.Here, you can find four Japanese new goods.I will teach you later about the commodity in the blue frame.Please click the one among them.
It might not be shown if you are trying to access from your country. In that case, please capture your screen and send it to me so that I can see.Please see that attached manual and try to do as it is written. you can ask me if you have a question.I think you have already had your ASIN Code composed of more than 10 numbers, right?Today, we are going to check if the commodity of that ASIN code is being sold in Japan.This time, please enter JP Amazon site.The top page of JP Amazon will be shown.
I want you to stop lifting over my friends into your arms. You are often doing that to your friends? it makes me feel offended a bit when I see that. you are often hugging Risa, right? I want you to stop hugging my friend. I wonder if you are usually doing that to your friends. Is it a culture difference?
I would like to ask, what kind of companies can grow and what is the feature of it. I would like to ask the name of rapidly growing companies in the space industry if there is any. Regarding the launch of Satellite carpool and small satellite, I would like to ask if there is any case for the business models and services that have been successful. If it is okay to answer, I would like to ask how you are going to launch your team's robot spacecraft. I would like to ask you what you think about the impact of downsized(small) satellite business on your business. • In the space industry, I would like to ask if you know the new (innovative) business or service that you have provided to the developing countries.