giseok Translations

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About 9 years ago
Korean (Native) Japanese English French
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
giseok Japanese → English
Original Text



I would like to ask, what kind of companies can grow and what is the feature of it.

I would like to ask the name of rapidly growing companies in the space industry if there is any.
Regarding the launch of Satellite carpool and small satellite, I would like to ask if there is any case for the business models and services that have been successful.

If it is okay to answer, I would like to ask how you are going to launch your team's robot spacecraft.

I would like to ask you what you think about the impact of downsized(small) satellite business on your business.

• In the space industry, I would like to ask if you know the new (innovative) business or service that you have provided to the developing countries.