fukamatsu_h (fukamatu_h) Services

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Over 10 years ago Female
Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) English Japanese (Native)
Law Business Contracts Culture
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Here are the services currently offered by fukamatu_h.

Professional Japanese, English and Chinese (simplified and traditional) translator. Strong on business, legal and educational documents!. 專日英中(繁簡皆可)筆譯,擅長商務,法律與教育相關文章!日英中翻訳者です。主な分野はビジネス・法律及び教育関係です。
$250.00 per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
Chinese (Simplified) → Japanese Japanese → Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) → Japanese Japanese → Chinese (Traditional) English → Japanese
Regard points of my work; researching matters of offered ...