The other day, the author of the following script scattered hundreds of his/her customers' email addresses by sending out the email with their address copied.I heard that it wasn't done on purpose. However, the number of the spam emails that I receive have been increasing since the email was sent out. I assume that the list of the email address was sold to someone.Does ABC allow to send emails directly to the customer in the terms?Also, I would like you to give the penalty to the author either in one of the followings.- Remove all of the scripts of the author and stop the exhibitions - Refund to customers who were sent the spam emailsIf I assess that the penalty is insufficient, then I will use the list as well.
外観は写真の通り一部破損もございますが、実用十分の機体です♪各動作も点検済で、問題なくバッチリです♪またアワーメーターは下記の通りです。・通電時間 94×10H・ドラム回転時間 17×10H・テープ走行時間 14×10H・スレッディング回数 39×10加えて、一生懸命清掃も致しました♪また上記の根拠として基本動作につきまして、3月に都内専門店にて作動確認済ですので、その点ご安心ください!<付属品>・DC電源ケーブル・充電器※写真に写っているもの全てです。
There is some damage on the body as it's found in the picture, but it can still use as aircraft♪I inspected each operation and did not find any troubles at all.♪Below is the data of the hour meter-Electrification time: 94 x 10H-Drum rotating time: 17x 10H-Tape running time: 14x 10H-Number of threading: 39x10In addition to the above, I also cleaned it up.♪Furthermore, to ensure its operability, I had it checked by bringing in to the speciality shop in Tokyo on March.<Accessories> - DC Power cable - Charger ※ All in the photo are included