freckles Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Infectious Diarrhea
Elderly patients account for the majority of diarrheal
deaths in some series, especially if Clostridium
difficile is the pathogen.7,8 I would consider
the classic pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae (Escherichia
coli, campylobacter, shigella, salmonella,
yersinia), Listeria monocytogenes, and less likely,
C. difficile in the differential diagnosis. The absence
of an antecedent history of questionable food exposure
or any friends or family members who are
similarly ill, however, dampens the enthusiasm
for an Enterobacteriaceae infection. The elderly
are at increased risk for invasive listeria infections,
although the classic presentation includes
vomiting, which this patient does not have;


病原体への感染から、特にクロストリジウム-ディフィシレ菌が病原体の場合に発生する下痢による死亡者の大半は、高齢の患者である。7,8 私は、識別診断から、認識されている病原体である腸内細菌 (大腸菌、 カンピロバクター、赤痢菌, サルモネラ、エルシニア)、リステリア、また、可能性は少ないが、クロストリジウム・ディフィシルではないかと推察する。原因となりえる食物を摂取したか、家族や友人が同様な症状を持っているかどうかなどの質問がなされない場合、積極的大腸菌を病原体とした感染と推測されない場合が多い。

freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Up for auction I have one of my father's old Dunhill pipes. I know absolutely nothing about pipes or their value so I will just give you a description and let those of you who know about pipes decide its value!!

This pipe is a Dunhill 517 F/T Rootbriar pipe.. this is stamped on one side. On the other Made in England 11 followed by the number 2 in a circle and the letter R. If these numbers are not totally correct, please forgive me... This pipe shows signs of being used many times and some of the numbers and letters are hard to read. The bowl is in decent shape. It is basically flat on top. however it has been burned down about 1/16 to 1/8 inch on the front outside from lighting.many times.



このパイプの片方には、Dunhill 517 F/T Rootbriarと印字されています。もう片方にはMade in England 11とあり、それに続いて、丸の中に数字の2、そしてRの文字があります。もしこれらの番号に間違っているところがあったら、ごめんなさい。このパイプは使い込まれていて、番号と文字がはっきりとは読み取れません。ボウル部は良い状態です。基本的に、ボウル部の最上部は平らですが、何度も火をつけた際に、手前の部分に1/16 インチから1/8 インチの幅で焼け焦げができたようです。

freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

●Regulatory Regime
Pharmaceuticals used in Cambodia are approved by the Cambodian Ministry of Health (MoH) though theDepartment of Drugs, Food and Cosmetics. The unit is in charge of organising and implementing thenational policy on medicines, sales and controls for the use of pharmaceutical products and medical instruments.The Ministry’s National Laboratory for Drug Quality Control (NLDQC) is the body in charge of testingmedicines and giving approvals. Exports must also be licensed by the Cambodian authorities, with the process being criticised for taking up to four months. The government is reportedly working on thetransformation of the NLDQC into an autonomous body.



freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Currently, however, corruption, a lack of adequate financing and cumbersome bureaucracy are providingobstacles to the registration of medicines, especially those of foreign origin, while also giving rise tocounterfeiting.
Consequently, multinational companies are viewed as being wary of committing to theCambodian pharmaceutical market, both in terms of direct presence and imports of novel drugs.

●Intellectual Property Environment
Cambodia does not feature in the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)’sSpecial 301 Submission for 2009 nor for 2010. However, this is due to its strategic (un)importance to USdrugmakers, rather than the fact that it does not suffer from IP deficiencies.



カンボジアはPharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America(PhRMA :米国研究製薬工業協会)の2009年度および2010年度のSpecial 301 Submission(特別301報告)には記載されていない。ただし、これは知的所有権の保護が無くても、それが侵害されないというのではなく、米国製薬会社にとって、カンボジアが戦略的に重要であるかどうかということを反映している。

freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

The latter would allow domesticproduction of essential medicines that would otherwise be patent protected. Taking this route wouldpotentially bring short-term benefits to Cambodia (given its limited manufacturing expertise), but alsodiscourage involvement by multinationals.

Nevertheless, Cambodia’s Commerce Ministry was reported to be drafting a Law on CompulsoryLicensing for Public Health, which was to be considered by the Council of Ministers and implementedbefore the end of 2009. The main reasoning behind the move, which does not appear to have been approved, had been that foreign generic drugmakers would set up factories to supply the local market ofsome 14mn people.


