Thuy Nguyen (ep_ntt_thuy)

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Over 8 years ago Female
Viet Nam
Vietnamese (Native) Japanese English
Export Industry Publishing/Press Release technology

母国語はベトナム語ですが、英語能力試験ーIELTS 7.5/9.0と日本語能力試験JLPT N2を持ち、日本語・英語の翻訳仕事を5年ぐらい経験があります。


Vietnam Foreign Trade University graduate.
Holds high scores of 985 in TOEICS, IELTS score of 7.5/9.0 and JLPT N2.
Has various experience as a translator for legal documents, manuals, corporate pamphlets, blogs and business emails (Japanese to English), research papers (English to Vietnamese), books (Japanese to Vietnamese).
Passionate about language and loves working as a translator and interpreter.
In 2012, I worked as an intern in a Kindergarten in Kiyose, Tokyo. From this experience, I learned a lot about the Japanese language and culture, and have been interested in these ever since.


Acquired Name Grade
2016/6 TOEIC 985
2015/3 日本語能力試験 2級
2011/3 IELTS 7.5

Work Experience

Term Company Department
2015/4 - 2017/12 本田ベトナム 海外経営・貿易部
2012/1 - 2016/4 IDP Education Vietnam エベント通訳・トレーニング資料翻訳


Term Institution
2010/9 - 2014/6 ベトナム貿易大学 (Foreign Trade University)

History of Residence

Term Country State City
2012/9 - 2012/12 Japan 東京 清瀬


Language Pair Area of Specialty Experience Description Example Translations
English → Japanese Export Industry 3 years As an overseas business executive of Honda Vietnam, I did a lot of translations regarding international business (import and export). I also have experience in international business correspondence, working with Japanese importers and exporters.
English → Vietnamese technology 1 year I translated research papers for projects by Vietnam University of Transport and Communications.
Japanese → Vietnamese Publishing/Press Release 1 year I translated a book by Sugahara Yuko: 子どもの「やる気」のコーチング (PHP文庫) 文庫 into Vietnamese for a Vietnamese publisher (Alphabooks). The book shares the method of training young children to create a self-study habit.

Work History

(Completed / In Progress)
Standard Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Light Requests
(Translation Jobs / Total Words Translated)
Standard Japanese ≫ Vietnamese 8  / 1 8  / 7575 2  / 402
Standard English ≫ Vietnamese 1  / 2 4  / 331 0  / 0
Starter Vietnamese ≫ Japanese 3  / 1 0  / 0 1  / 17
Starter English ≫ Japanese 1 0  / 0 13  / 3866
Starter Vietnamese ≫ English 0 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter (High) Japanese ≫ English 12  / 1 169  / 83288 359  / 67874

Working Data

Working Hours
last 6 months (hour / month)
Submission Rate
(submission count / order count)
0 hour / month 100 % (27 / 27)