ミスター・タイムズスクエア (edaeda) Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
edaeda English → Japanese
Original Text


①Thank you for contacting Amazon Seller Support.

I tried to contact you on ●● the number listed on your account, on 01 August 2013 at 10:38 GMT, but I was unable to reach you.

I have reviewed the details on case ● and can confirm that the buyer has been refunded.

I have sent a request to our Customer Service department for them to contact the buyer to advise them to contact you with regards to Order ID: # ●.

If you need any further assistance you can click on the link below to contact us for more information.

②As you registered your account on 10 February 2013 the monthly subscription is charged on the 10th of every month and is shown on your Payment Statement under the "Selling Fees" section.


UK A様にこちらからご登録の●●の番号に、2013年8月1日10:38(日本時間同日18時38分)にご連絡差し上げましたが、お電話が繋がりませんでした。


当方のカスタマーサービス部門と連携をとり、バイヤー様側にオーダーID番号●の件についてUK A様に連絡をとっていただくよう、リクエストの連絡は手配させていただきました。

他にも御用がございましたら、下記のリンクの「Contact us」をクリックいただき、お伝えいただければと思います。

(2)2013年2月10日にご登録いただきました通り、月単位の手数料フィーは、毎月10日に引き落とされます。支払明細(Payment Statement)の売買手数料(Selling Fees)の欄をご確認ください。

edaeda English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear yamahaya88102012,

I finally got my GaoIcarus this afternoon. Very happy all around :)

Only one issue, the Giraffe's head/neck junction has snapped. Based on the location, I think it's a design flaw - and replacing with a copy wouldn't make a difference. I'm going to try replacing the plastic bit with a small metal part that I'll make myself.

Others in the gaoranger line have similar issues with plastic parts wearing out - the neck and rear leg parts from the wolf, white tiger and leopard, for example.

Dear yamahaya88102012,

Hey :) payment is working its way over to u in the next 48 hours but I was just setting a despatch date with u for the 13 August?




待望の注文させてもらったGaoIcarus が手元に届きました!トッテモ幸せです:)

1つだけ気がかりな事をシェアしておくと、GaoIcarus の頭と首の取り付け部品が取れてしまってました。これはおそらくそもそもの製品欠陥だと思います。手元にコピー品の部品があるので、自分でそれと取り替えれば見た目には何も変わりません。プラスチックとメタルで出来たパーツを、こちらで自分で取り替えておきます。


