Bruce Park (brucepark) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Korean (Native) Japanese English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
brucepark English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We are contacting you because we think at least one of your apps fits in this new category. Unless you opt out by July 8:
• We will migrate your relevant apps to the new Food & Drink category.
• Food & Drink will be assigned as the primary category for your apps.
If you have one or more apps that you want to stay in their current category, respond to this email with “NO” in the subject line, along with the following information for each app:
• App name
• Apple ID for your app. The Apple ID for apps can be found in the Manage Your Applications module on iTunes Connect.
Emails sent to other email addresses or without the requested information will not be processed.
You can edit an app’s category when creating a new


・あなたの関連アプリケーションを新しいフード&ドリンク(Food & Drink)カテゴリに移行します。
・各アプリケーションのApple ID。各アプリケーションのApple IDは、iTunes Connect上の「Manage Your Application module」から確認できます。

brucepark English → Japanese
Original Text


I apologize for the frustration with our verification process. Please re-enter the credit card details for the card you wish to use. Please DO NOT attempt to complete the automated verification step this time. Simply reply to this email and let me know when you have updated your account with the correct credit card information. Then I will approve that credit card from here.

Please sign into your account, click on the My Account tab > Account Settings > My Billing Information > Update new credit card details.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist with at this time.

Best Regards,




アカウントにサインインして頂き、[My Account(アカウント情報)]タブ > [アカウント設定(Account Settings)] > [マイ課金情報(My Billing Information)] > 新しいクレジットカードの詳細を更新(Update)してください。

