Makiyo Ban (bmac) Translations

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Over 5 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
bmac English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

the wind whips unkindly against the small frame of a boy. it turns his sensitive skin from pale to pink tinged, roughened up by the imprints of unseen force. no coat clinging to body; Ciel adorns but a simple dress shirt and cheap vest.
no silk eyepatch to shield his marked eye, only a medical gauze with too many straps. straps that only influence cowlicks into Ciel’s hair. it’s as poor as he could look, the only clothes he owned that could pass as peasant when the entirety of his wardrobe is too perfectly prim, too indicative of his true status. beneath the highlighting moonlight and the dead stars, doused in cruel winds that blur his uncovered eye, Ciel cringes and shivers in his disguise. his petite hands



bmac English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

are fists shoved into the folds of goosebumped arms.
he gave up on keeping his limbs at his sides quite some time ago. the chill of the night fashioned his lungs into an ache. it forced him to hug what warmth he could against himself, if only to keep the coughs tickling against his throat swallowed down.

his gaze flickers over to the tall figure at his side. a familiar figure indeed, the boy could mistake it for his own shadow against the building if not for the glow of red eyes. well, Sebastian was his shadow, in a way. ever present, always aware. his tongue pokes out from the corner of his mouth, parting his cold lips open to speak. what could have been a request for the coat resting neatly upon Sebastian’s

