beekake Translations

ID Unverified
About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
beekake English → Japanese
Original Text


②Details: I recently received my item from a market place seller and was extremely angry to find out that I had to pay a £60.95 customs charge on top of an item which had already cost me £267.30 plus the postage cost. I feel this is extremely unfair when there is no indication to such charges anywhere that I could see when purchasing the item that such a charge would apply. I sent an email before hand to the seller to check on this after purchase and the said they would discount the item accordingly If such a charge was applied (I'm sure our conversation will be on your records), I can't see how the item will be discounted now if I have already paid for it?
Kind regards



②詳細 先日マーケットプレイスの出品者から商品を受け取りました。すでに£267.30の商品代に加えて送料も支払ったにもかかわらず、さらに£60.95の通関手数料がかかっていることについて憤慨しております。商品を購入する際にその手数料についての表示が見えるところのどこにも表示されていないのは非常に不公平です。
