Eisuke Oishi (barefoot) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
barefoot English → Japanese
Original Text

Fab Hits 11M Members; Sales Up 300 Percent In January

On the heels of winning best ecommerce application at the Crunchies last week, design-focused retail site Fab is revealing impressive sales data for January. The site added 1 million members in the month, bringing Fab’s total membership to 11 million users (up from 1.5 million in January 2012).

While Fab doesn’t normally release monthly revenue data, the company says that January, which is traditionally a slower month for retailers after the holiday rush, saw major growth. Sales were up by nearly 300% in January 2013 over January 2012 and the month was Fab’s 3rd highest sales month ever. Revenue was 40% higher than any previous non-holiday month.





barefoot English → Japanese
Original Text

The Leap could change the way we use our mobile devices

San Francisco-based startup Leap Motion has partnered with Asus to embed its motion-sensing technology into notebooks and desktop computers. How soon until this becomes a reality in mobile devices?

I’ve always been fascinated with mobile user interfaces. After having used mobile phones for almost 17 years, I can say we’ve gone leaps and bounds in how we interact with our devices. While we used to have to memorize menu-key combinations and navigate through clunky file-folder representations, touch-based interfaces and apps are now the rage.



サンフランシスコに拠点を置くスタートアップ、Leap MotionがAsusと提携、モーションセンサー技術をノート型、デスクトップ問わずパソコンに搭載しようとしている。これが携帯電話でも実現する日はどこまで近づいているのだろうか。


barefoot English → Japanese
Original Text

In mid 2012, a San Francisco startup called Leap Motion introduced a small device called The Leap. The gadget is as big as a USB thumb drive, but could do so much more. The Leap uses several cameras and sensors to create a three-dimensional map of up to 0.22 cubic meters. The main differentiator between The Leap and other similar devices is its accuracy of up to a hundredths of a millimeter, or about half the diameter of human hair. Another differentiator that The Leap has is its ability to distinguish between different parts of the body. The device knows if you’re moving your pinkie or your thumb, for instance.

Think Minority Report, but without the three-fingered gloves, and without you looking like Tom Cruise


2012年の半ば、サンフランシスコのスタートアップ、Leap MotionがThe Leapという小型の機器を披露しました。この装置はUSBメモリと変わらないサイズですが、機能はもっとすごい。The Leapは複数のカメラとセンサーを使って0.22立方メートルまでの3次元マップを作ることが出来るのです。The Leapと他の似た装置の一番の違いはその精密さで、1ミリの百分の一、髪の毛の直径の半分ほどのサイズまで正確に認識します。もうひとつの特徴は体のパーツを識別するということ。この装置は、例えばあなたが小指を動かしているのか、それとも親指を動かしているのかを見分けることが出来るのです。


barefoot English → Japanese
Original Text

Hari Krishnan, LinkedIn’s first Asia-Pacific employee, is now managing director for Asia-Pacific and Japan

Professional social network LinkedIn announced today that it has appointed a new managing director for Asia-Pacific and Japan. He is Hari Krishnan, the company’s first Asia Pacific employee who joined in 2009.

Now based in LinkedIn’s Asia-Pacific headquarters in Singapore, the veteran tech executive and entrepreneur was formerly LinkedIn’s country manager for India. In his three years there, he set up operations from the ground up and grew the social network’s presence from 3.4M registered users in November 2009 to over 18M in December 2012.


アジア・太平洋で初めてLinkedInの社員となったHari Krishnan氏。現在彼はアジア・太平洋と日本地域の責任者として活躍している。

プロフェッショナル・ソーシャル・ネットワークのLinkedInは今日、アジア・太平洋と日本地域の新しい責任者の任命を発表した。その人はHari Krishnan氏。2009年に、アジア・太平洋の人間として始めてこの会社の社員となった人物だ。


barefoot English → Japanese
Original Text

As we know, pernambuco is an endanger specie. Many efforts have been done to find a substitute wood of pernambuco.
IPE is regarded as one of the best candidates, which has similar properties to make an excellent bow.
IPE, a dense tree from Brazil. A very good source of violin bows. Air dry density: 0.9-1.16.
In recent years, some bows made of IPE even won gold metals in international string instrument making competitions.
Good IPE bows certainly outperform the moderate level pernambuco bows.


近年では、IPEで作られた弓が国際的な弦楽器作りのコンテストで金メダル(訳注:原文のgold metal という言葉は一般には「金の延べ棒」になってしまうため、また前述のコンテストは特定のものを指しているわけではないことから、一般的な「金メダル」の打ち間違いの可能性が高いと判断しました)を受賞しています。

barefoot English → Japanese
Original Text

Oh you write that you think there are a lot of places in Germany to drive an On Road Car! Sorry, we have big Problems with our cars. We dont have big enough parking areas to drive with such big ones. We have a lot of race tracks in germany but not one of them are near to us. The next Racetrack is far away, i think 200 kilometers. The next thing is that the Motors are loud and many people in germany feel that we break their peace when we drive with our loud cars. So we have only one parking lot and this one is much too small to drive with 4 cars simultaneously. With Off Road Cars the situation is a little bit better but not perfect.




barefoot English → Japanese
Original Text

iSuppli: Samsung increases lead over Apple as top smartphone OEM in 2012

As Samsung passes Nokia for the first time in 14 years as the top cellphone OEM in 2012, iSuppli also reported today that Samsung would increase in its lead on Apple among the top five smartphone manufacturers. From 9to5Google:

Samsung also tops iSuppli’s forecast for the top smartphone OEMs by worldwide shipments as the company continues to extend its slight lead over Apple. iSuppli is expecting Samsung to take in 28 percent of the global smartphone market in 2012 (up from 20 percent in 2011), while Apple’s gains are smaller at 20 percent, up from 19 percent last year





barefoot English → Japanese
Original Text

AngelSounds JPD-100S is a portable battery operated detector designed for the detection of fetal life and confirmation of continued life during pregnancy.

Minimizing patient exposure
Acoustic output of the AngelSounds JPD-100S is internally controlled and cannot changed by the operator in the course of the examination. The duration of sure is, however, fully under the control of the operator. Mastery of the techniques described in the operating instructions will facilitate limit the maximum amount of diagnostic information with the minimum of exposure.

Acoustic output data
The acoustic output of the AngelSounds JPD-100S transducer has been measured in water using a calibrated hydrophone at Authorized Laboratory.


AngelSounds JPD-100Sは胎児の存在と健康を確認できる、電池式で携帯可能な超音波検査器です。

AngelSounds JPD-100Sで発信される音波は内部でコントロールされており、検査の途中で変更することはできません。ただし検査にかける時間は使用者が決めることができます。使用説明書に記載されている技術に慣れれば、超音波にさらされる時間を最低限に抑えながら、検査器としての性能を最大限に生かすことが容易になります。

AngelSounds JPD-100Sから発信される音波は、権威ある研究所で、水中聴音器を使って水中で測定されています。