aya-tanaka Translations

ID Verified
Almost 10 years ago Female 30s
United Kingdom
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
aya-tanaka English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I think it’s important to address this directly and constructively: It’s essential that he tells you what he’s not happy with, so that you guys can avoid making the same ‘mistakes’ in future.

I can’t help much with this discussion, so Ryo and I agreed that you guys will meet without me. I would ask you, though, to write minutes for the meeting so that I know what you talked about, any problems you identified, and your ideas for solutions to those problems. (Ryo, I guess this task is yours.)

Ryo will get in touch to arrange the meeting. Please let me know when you’ve agreed on a date – although I don’t need to join the meeting, I’d like to stay informed. ; )


この件に関しては直接的かつ建設的に対応した方が良いと思います: 彼が好まない事をはっきり教えてくれたほうが、あなた達としても将来的に同じ「あやまち」をおかさずに済みますので。

