A「ねえ、今どこにいるの?」A「もう10分も待ってるんだけど?」B「ごめん、今日は急用で行けなくなっちゃった」A「そうなの。残念だなあ」B「冗談だよ! 隣にあるレストランに来て! 君の誕生日パーティに、ディナーを予約してたんだ」A「本当? 驚いた!」A「ありがとう、君のこと、大好き!」
A: Hey, where are you now? I've been waiting almost 10 minutes for you.B : Sorry. Something urgent came up, and I can't make it.A : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.B: Just Kidding! Come to the restaurant next door! I actually reserved a table for dinner to celebrate your birthday.A: Really? Big Wow! Thank you so much. I really like you.