albizzia Translations

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Over 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
albizzia Japanese → English
Original Text






-Nihonbashi- it is long-established towns where take over the tradition of clothing, eating, and housing culture of Edo.
-Akihabara- treasure trove of IT, or towns of subcultures
-Marunouchi- it is towns of businessman, there are crowded with big companies which represent Japan.

With them, we are combining tradition and innovation, and watching and taking care of these towns.

Kanda Myojin is also called God for IT, so you can buy IT-related talisman there.
Is the unique characteristics of the shrine surrounded by electric district and business district.

Since Kanda Myojin is near Akihabara and also known as the stage of the animation, there you can see many EMA, what is wooden plaque depicting various characters of animation.